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Izuku and Izumi yagi were two happy 4 year olds, but today everything changed.

Izuku: Mom wake up
Izumi: Mom, Dad we have to go see our quirks
The children where very excited to go see the quirk doctor so they could be heros
Inko: Alright give me a minute and we will go

Doctor" Listen Mrs. Yagi I have good and bad news, what do you want to hear.
Inko: Bad news first (she was very nervous
Doctor:Well Izuku is quirkless so he can't be a hero. However Izumi has a upgrade of your telekinesis quirk so she will do great things.

Those words broke everything
Suddenly Izuku disappeared as if he didn't matter, he hopped it would pass. How wrong he was.

Toshinory:How did it go?
Inko: Sadly Izuku is quirkless but Izumi has a strong telekinesis quirk
Toshinory:That's great Izumi, you'll be a great hero
Izumi:Thanks dad I'll make you proud

Sadly Izumi was worried about Izuku, he would get hurt if he was a hero so the next day she talked to her friends.

Izumi:Guys I have a problem. Izuku is quirkless and I'm scared that he will get hurt as a hero
Katsuki: I know. Lets beat him up with our quirks so he'll be scared of them and will give up
Shoto:Sounds good to me
Izumi: Sounds like a plan
Katsumi: Lets do it
Shoka: I don't like this

And so it began, Izuku's hell began. Every day he got beat up and told to give up. But he couldn't, see, Izuku had one friend Diana but sadly she died in a villan atack leaving Izuku all alone. Well Shoka helped from time to time but he still got hurt. Then one day he found something, a book about alchemy, a science that stated that to make something, something of equal value must be given. Izuku was quite smart so from that day on he began his research on how to do alchemy and eventually managed his first transmutation at the age of 13. He worked himself to the bone on training his body and mind with alquemy, but he told no one about it since they didn't want him powerless the didn't deserve him with power.
He mastered alchemy when an idea poped in his mind 2 months before UA entrance exam.
He then began his foly, here our story begins.

Author's note.
Hope you liked it. This book will have many short chapter and some long ones. I accept suggestions so let me know what you think

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