"Diagon Alley!" She called before throwing the floo powder at her feet. The flames enveloped her.

Honey shut her eyes tight as she traveled, unsure of what was going to happen next.

She listened to the loud voices as she felt the hustle of people around her and she finally decided to peel her eyes open.

She was standing just to the side of the crowded walkway as people shoved past her.

Honey saw something in a shop window just across the way she couldn't tell what the item was but she felt as though it was calling to her.

She struggled to keep her balance as she made her way towards a shop just across from her. She was about halfway there when she felt a push and she lost all balance.

She fell to the ground and landed on the hard cobblestone face first.

"Ow." Honey groaned out as she slowly tried to collect herself again.

"Oh goodness dearie, are you alright? I'm so sorry I didn't see you there!" A sweet-sounding woman said as she reached out a hand to Honey. She leaned down to help her up.

Honey looked up at the woman and carefully studied her. She had wild red hair and a sweet motherly face.

Honey hesitated before grabbing her hand.

"My name is Molly Weasley, are you lost?" Molly questioned the girl.

"I don't think I'm lost. My Dad told me to stay where I landed until he got here so, I'm just waiting." Honey said calmly to the woman.

Mrs. Weasly was a very caring woman and it didn't feel right for her to leave the young girl alone.

"Sweetheart, what's your Dad's name? Perhaps I know him and can help you spot him." Molly suggested as she helped the girl to the side of the road near Madam Malkin's.

Honey shook her head at the woman.

"I don't mean to be rude, Mrs. Weasley, but, you're a stranger and my father taught me to be cautious when it comes to personal information and strangers," Honey said feeling a bit uncomfortable. She'd never really met a woman like Mrs. Weasley. In fact, the only woman she knew was Narcissa.

Molly was taken aback by those words. Nevertheless, she stayed by her side.

"Can I at least know your first name dear?" Molly gave a reassuring smile.

Honey thought back to her father's stranger rules. She was pretty sure that if she just gave her first name, it didn't break any of the rules.

"H-honey, my name is Honey." She stumbled out to Mrs. Weasley who responded with a large smile.

"You have a wonderful name, Honey. I assume you're here to get your Hogwarts supplies, am I right?" Mrs. Weasley asked Honey.

"Yes, it will be my first year at Hogwarts. " Honey said with a large smile.

"My youngest boy Ronald is also going to start his first year too. He's rather excited. He's off right now getting supplies with his Dad and siblings." Molly was trying her best to keep the girl calm. She knew Diagon Alley could be a bit overwhelming on your first visit. She thought Honey must be scared to be alone in this foreign place.

To a point, Molly was right. Honey was a bit scared but, she was also excited to see everything.

"My son Ronald is our final boy going off to Hogwarts. All six of my boys now. House is awfully empty most of the year now, not that that's a bad thing. Trouble makers most of them are." Molly said with a sigh.

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