Demon Seto x Reader🍋

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This is for @ChildishExlia! Thank you so much for requesting from me! I had a lot of fun writing this and I could have gone on, but I had to stop. The song at the top was what I listened to as I wrote this story.

Warning to all! This one-shot is long and it is a lemon!



If I love you, will you let me go?XXX

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If I love you, will you let me go?

The sun's light came in strong through the colored branches of the trees. The few birds left in the forest twittered while a group of deer grazed by a small pool of water. Midmorning was the best time for the man and his only daughter to observe the group.

The young fawns stayed close to their mothers as they graze slowly wondered around the clearing. The mothers ate and drank their filled with little worry. Even the older deer knew that death would not come to them in the form of a two legged predator. The youngsters, however, were flighty and timid.

The pair waited patiently till one of the adult deer left the safety of the serene spot. Today, the man would give his daughter her final test. With no son to teach his skills to, he wasted no time passing on the family tradition to his daughter. He hoped his knowledge would help keep her alive and safe for when the right time came. The man turned from the group of deer to look at his little girl. Ah, but she was no longer a little girl, but a beautiful young woman.

Her hair was braided down her back and she wore hunting clothes meant for a man. She had complained that hunting in a dress was difficult even though he had taught her how to move quietly in a dress. As he studied his daughter, Y/N's eyes blink causing her long lashes touched her cheeks and her breath then slowed. When he looked back at the group, he saw that a deer was leaving the spot. Y/N gave him a quick glance then moved swiftly to follow the deer.

He followed after her but hung back so he could observe her making the kill. Y/N threw up the hood of her dark green cloak and followed the deer behind a screen of brush. When that cover became too thin, she move quietly from tree to tree, till she was sure they were far enough from the clearing. With her bow ready, she lifted it and took aim. A second later the arrow when flying. The deer was in mid stride when it hit the ground with a surrendering thud. Y/N hurried to the side of her prey and watch its breath die.

"Well done, Y/N."

She looked up at the sound of her father's gruff, but gentle voice. He stared into the green and blue eyes of his only child. Those eyes were another reason he needed to teach her all he knew about survival.

"Well done." He said once more and bent down to help carry the kill home.


"I'm going out for a bit," Y/N called out as she fasten an eye patch over her blue eye. Since she was four, Y/N had always worn a patch over her blue eye whenever she went out in public. Her father had the same shade of green as her left eye, so she hid the blue one from the world.

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