That pregnancy has not been the best, not even close. She feels alone during the moments she needs him more. She craves less knowing he will feel more bad about the children if she disturbs him with her cravings. Most of the times, she cooks what she wants to eat unlike the time when she was pregnant with the triplets. He always asks what she wanted then but not with the twins, he doesn't. She cry her eyes to sleep every night beside him but he never noticed or did he choose to ignore her?! She can't tell with her back towards him.

"I..." His word brought her out of her reverie and she rose her right hand in a way to tell him to hold his words back, that she is not and won't listen to his everyday excuse.

"I don't want me doing something we both are going to regret. Pack your things and leave this Chamber for me and my children." Her voice was sharp, cutting right through his heart seeing he didn't expect her to be all cold and arctic towards him for something he hasn't admitted. Well, the saying is, action speaks louder than voices so she goes with that too.

"You don't want that." The panic he felt in his chest could be detected in his voice, if only she wants to hear what he has to say or has the time to sweep around his emotions.

"Oh, I do. I want you far away from me for as long as I want. Don't come back here till I ask you to." She crossed her arms around her chest looking at his incredulous expression making her heart ache.

She hates doing that but that is the only way for her to survive his ill treatments towards her children all the time. Seeing him around only makes her stressed and the doctor strictly told her not to be stressed or both her and her children's life will be in danger. If seeing him is the cause of her distress, then why not send him away? If he refuses, then she is definitely going to leave the Chamber and never to return.

Shaddad searched her eyes for any emotion that he can hold against her but no, his heart shattered seeing the ones in her eyes. The determination is set, the anger and tinge of hatred is clearly displayed. He didn't know that he's done so much damage to his wife while he was trying to protect her from it all. He just don't want her going through what she's gone through while giving birth the first time. He can't keep seeing that image whenever he looks at her huge stomach.

With a sigh, he gave a curt nod of his head and made his way to the living room where his kids are playing. He kissed their foreheads, gave a longing gaze at the door to their bedchamber waiting for Falak to come out and say she was only joking or she didn't want him to go but it never happened. She didn't come and neither did he hear the sound of her moving, with head hung low, he left the Chamber. And that was so many days ago.

Falak sat down on the bed and closed her face with both her palms. Her shoulders rack while hot tears run down her cheeks like a sluice being opened for the first time in years. She feels so defeated and hopeless at that moment. All she wanted was a happy family but it looks like she's asked for too much. She should've known, all that happiness is too much to last for much longer. She should've seen it coming right from the beginning but she never did.

How could she be extremely happy? Maybe the stars were shining then but they have clearly stopped shining when their relationship started touching the black canvas beside them. She don't feel the twinkle in her heart when she looks at him so why bother holding onto a dying relationship? She's done enough, she don't have the energy to do no more. All she wants to focus about now is giving birth to her children safely even without their father beside her. She can do it, she chanted.

"Hey, you look so depressed like always. Come let's go have a girls day out to cheer you up." Came in Marawiyyah's voice from the door as she strutted in holding her six months daughter, Umnia in her arms.

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