Chapter 13 - Hot blooded ✔

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"Nope." I said

She flung her arms in the air. "Who doesn't like plantain in this Nigeria, You are weird!."

"And weird is the new normal baby!" I replied immediately and grinned at her.

"Well if that's the case, I can get you jollof rice from the food vendor outside the lodge. Just wait here." She began walking towards the door.

Wait oo! This girl is serious about it.

"Soma I'm not even that hungry." I tried to stop her

"And I didn't ask you. I'll be back in a jiffy." And she skipped away.

This girl never ceases to amaze me. She would make a good wife. Or what do you think?


"Are you lying to me?" She questioned with furrowed brows when I told her that I was involved in an accident.

"Yes." I deadpanned.

"Why don't you want to talk to me?" She pushed on.

I held my head and sighed loudly, "I just don't want to talk about it okay." I said but with the looks on her face, she's not ready to drop the subject.

Why won't she just believe my lie and allow my jollof rice to digest? My issue isn't what I'll just come up with one day and begin broadcasting.
If she continues pushing I might just lose it.

"At least you have to explain why you had a haggard look when you walked in here and why you even chose to come here and not go to your lodge." She scoffed and stared at me. I didn't reply because I was having a little breathing exercise session.

'Soma please drop this topic'

"Nonso talk to me." She nudged my side.

"I left my spare key at home and my roommate is not around," I muttered.

"And..." She urged me to continue but I stayed mute.
"You told me that you were going to see your sister. What exactly happened?". She conceded.

Oh, Lord! Please help my soul.

"I had some issues with my mum," I confessed.
Talking about my mother is a triggering topic and I do NOT and will NOT say anything more than that.

She placed her palm over her mouth and exclaimed "Oh my God!" She placed her other free hand on my shoulder and asked with a whisper. "Was it that serious?"

No, my dear, It's not like my mother said that I am not the biological child of my father, it's not like she called me a bastard, it's not like she pressed a hot iron on my back. Okay maybe she didn't do the last one but what she did and still doing is worse than the burning and piercing pain of a hot iron on my back.

God!!! I won't cry! I would never cry!!.

"Hell, it was! It was serious alright. What else do you want to hear? That the woman I call mum despises me or that I am likely to be some child that was picked on the streets.
Just let me be okay." I blurted with all the emotions I had in me. I lost it this time. I could no longer hold it in.

Soma cringed at every word I spat, she stared at me like I was some monster. I shouldn't have transferred my aggression to her.

What have I done?!

"Oh no!! Soma, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I spoke in anger I'm not meant to yell at you. You are just trying to be a friend and I just..."

She interrupted, "Nonso!! It's fine. I get it that you have your demons that you battle with and I'm sorry that I pressed too hard. I'm really sorry." She said with a sad long face.

I held my head and rubbed my face in regret, "You shouldn't be. God!! I don't know what is wrong with me..." I hit my forehead with my palm. My brain probably needs a reset.

I'm confused, tired, full of regret, angry, and sad. I leaned on her bed frame and shut my eyes closed while trying to compose my emotions.

I have never told anyone about my mother, not even Cynthia. She knows that mother is not a fan of mine but she doesn't know what happens behind closed doors.

I can't let that woman destroy my life, I can't sit and watch her taint my future. If there are any secrets, there is no better time to unfold them but now. God, it hurts so bad!

I felt a pat on my shoulder and I opened my eyes and immediately Soma had me in her arms in an unexpected hug.
I intuitively wrapped my arms around her body and she planted a small kiss on my nape. I shivered.

If there is one fantastic thing that has happened today, it's this.
I leaned forward and inhaled her sweetness as I tightened my grasp.

Not too tight though, I don't want her to 'unhug' me just yet.

She began to whisper in my ears.

God, please help me not to lose control! This girl is killing me softly.

"It's alright." She started, "Whatever is wrong will not always be wrong forever because nothing is permanent. You beating yourself up doesn't change a thing it only worsens the situation."

It seems like she's oblivious of what she's doing to me.
I am a full hot-blooded man and not firewood. My little one is already waking up!

I caressed her back, just the back. "Soma." I think I moaned that out loud.

She continued talking anyway, "You know when you came in here I was scared. You don't have to keep everything to yourself."

Then she released herself from the hug and held my hands. I groaned in discontent.

Why na? I was still enjoying myself.

"I will always be here if you need help okay." She finished and gave a reassuring smile.
My hand traveled up to her face, she smiled lightly, and slowly our head began coming closer and closer. She slightly opened her lips and...

"Nonso! Nonso!!" She snapped her fingers in my face.

I thought we were about to... 'you know'.

"Are you okay?" She queried and I continued staring.
I still felt blood surging to my little one down there.

Holy Crap!!! This is a public disgrace.

I quickly draped her blanket over my laps to cover my silly boner and Soma fell back on the bed in laughter.

Don't blame me! It's not my fault.

So this is where I'll end this chapter...

In one word describe this chapter.

Hope you loved it.

By the way... The song at the beginning of this chapter is 'Good years by Zayn'.
If you are a lover of good music, you would love this one too.

Please, guys... Don't forget to make that star on your screen glow and comment too.

Love ya! 🤗

The big question (Complete ✅)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz