Unexpectedly, there was an earthquake. "What the hell is going on?"

Hikaru pulls out her tiny tablet and notifies the director.

"Do you hear me, Gingka? It appears that Hades City is starting to rise."

"What? How is that even truly possible?"

"The spiral force is so powerful that we cannot allow him into space. Go now!"

When Gingka warns everyone, they are all equally shocked.

"Kyoya, hurry up, we have to go!" says Benkei.

"You're not going anywhere! You rats are stuck here!"

The Garcias, Star Breaker, and Julien appear out of nowhere and try to stop them.

"Rats, eh? So let us rats demonstrate our strength for you."

"Shall we do a special move together?" Kyoya looks at Nazumi as she makes a suggestion.

"What about your arm?"

"This thing? It's all better now!" Kyoya scoffs with a smirk, and the two perform their special move, breaking rocks and allowing everyone to escape.


Everyone flees in the direction of Hades City. Demure, Nile, and Benkei remain in place.

"We'll handle things, Kyoya and Nazumi. You guys go ahead!" says Benkei.

Nazumi and Kyoya pause and exchange glances.


Nile exclaims, "Just go!"

"Okay." They follow the others and nod. Along with Chao Xin, Mei-Mei, Chi-Yun, Kenta, and Hikaru, Klaus also stays behind.

Gingka was the last to run up to the others, but he was stopped by Garcia's leader. He began to fight Pegasus until Yuu, Tsubasa, and Madoka appeared.

They were finally awake and feeling like themselves again. Everyone entered the truck that DJ Blader was operating. They all arrived at the floating Hades City as the others looked on as Ziggurat laughed menacingly.


When they got to the front, Julian stopped them. Wails and Sophie approached the front and informed the others that they would handle it. Kyoya and the others walk through the door as Sophie and Wails fight Julien.

Julien informs them that Hades Inc. has acquired ownership of his parent business after Ziggurat purchased all of its stock. He was so powerful that he effortlessly defeated them.

Da Shian intervened and decided to fight Julien. The two engaged in a very captivating conflict as Julien, at last, understood which side he should support.

Masamune, Gingka, Kyoya, and Nazumi agreed to split up. Tsubasa, Yuu, and Madoka, in the opposite direction.

When Jack runs across Tsubasa, Yuu, and Madoka, he challenges Tsubasa to a match. He confines Yuu within an arrangement pod. Madoka was working very hard to figure out how to free Yuu.

The stadium's pillars raise, and the two start fighting with their beys and behinds. Jack wants to build a masterpiece, so with each strike against the pillars, he makes sculptures here and there.

Tsubasa opens up to Jack on how hard they had to work to win the Beyblade world championship and how fast it was lost. He felt bad about missing out on the championship's end.

"You're lucky that you avoided fighting me in the championship match. Ryuga and his little girlfriend jumped in and ruined things for me, so I need to get even!"

short lived 💔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum