I sat up and looked him in the eyes.

"When are you gonna take off that mask? I already know who you are, Meliodas." I said. He took off his mask and laid it on the nightstand.

"Don't call me that." He said.

"And why not?" I asked.

"My title is the Dragon of wrath, stop calling me Meliodas." He said.

"What if I do? Meliodas?" I asked. I saw that he was getting angry.

"I will kill you." He said.

"Kill me then, Meliodas." I said. He was just getting more and more angry. Then he smirked.

"I know exactly what you will do for me." Meliodas said.

"And what is that?" I asked.

"You will see when it comes." He said.

"Yeah, right." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Don't have that attitude to me!" He said.

"Wow, because I care? Why would I?" I asked.

"Because I can get you killed." Meliodas said.

"I can get myself killed if I wanted." I said.

"Oh, really? Show me." He asked. I just took my hand bag and took out a knife I had from in it. He looked at me.

"What are you doing?" He asked. I smirked at him.

"This." I said and stabbed my hand with the knife.

"Are you nuts?!" He asked and took the knife away from me and some bandages from under the bed. Then he started bandage my hand.

"Try to come up with another treat then death, I'm not scared of my own death." I said with a smirk. Then I took away my hand from him.

"What are you doing?!" He asked.

"What are you doing?! I am perfectly fine." I said. He looked at me in disbelief.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't talk to me like that." He said.

"Who cares." I said, stood up and walked out of the room.

"Where do you think you are going?!" Meliodas asked while i walked out of the door.

"Go away from you." I said and walked away down some stairs. When I come down, I saw orange without her mask and other clothes, that was orange in the kitchen.

"What are you doing he-" she cut herself off when she saw my hand.

"What happened to your hand?!" She asked.

"Nothing." I said and sat down at the table.

"Okay, so why are you down here?" She asked and walked to the table with two cups and gave me one.

"Meliodas is irritating. What is this?" I asked.

"Hot chocolate. I always do some extra." She said. I nodded.

"Thank you." I said with a small smile. She smiled back.

"My name is Diane, what is yours?" She asked.

"Elizabeth. We have meet before, but that was a long time ago." I said. She looked a bit shocked.

"We have?" She asked. I nodded.

"I have already meet everyone here, but it was at least two years ago." I said. She nodded. We continued talking a while. One after one come in. Until the sun rose, then we Meliodas and Ban come.

"Breakfast in 15 minutes." Meliodas said and sat down beside me. Ban was walking and started cooking. I immediately stood up and was about to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Meliodas asked, not looking at me.

"Away." I said.

"You stay here and eat breakfast." He said.

"No." I said and was about to walk away, but then, my wrist was grabbed and I was pulled back to my chair by Meliodas.

"Let go of me." I said. He let go of me and I was about to trip, but saved myself with a quartet.

"Wow." King said.

"That's why she will be in our missions." Meliodas said.

"I will not." I said.

"Yes, you will." He said.

"No." I said.

"Yes, now sit and eat breakfast." He said. I rolled my eyes and sat down.

"Yeah, yeah, Meliodas." I said.

"I have already told you, don't call me that!" He said.

"And I have already told you, I don't care." I said. Then breakfast was served and Ban sat down. Everyone was here except Merlin, Escanor and Gowther.

"What happened to your hand?" Ban asked.

"I didn't see it was bandaged up." King said.

"She stuck a knife through her hand." Meliodas said, not looking at me.

"You did WHAT?!" They all asked at the same time.

"Like he said." I said and pointed at Meliodas.

"You are nuts." Ban said.

"No, I'm just not scared of death." I said and wat a bit of my food.

"Who is not scared to die?" King asked.

"I am." I said.

"Yeah, yeah." Meliodas said. Then he looked up at us all.

"The next mission is tonight." Meliodas then said.

"What is it Captain?" Diane asked.

"This is a mission for just me and you two." Meliodas said and pointed at me and Diane.

"You will pretend to be waitresses while I talk to my two brothers." He said.

"When I walk away, you need to listen to the two talking. I need to know what they will do next." Meliodas said. Diane nodded.

"I'm not doing any missions for you." I said.

"Yes, you will, if not, I will kill you." Meliodas said with a glare at me.

"Oh, scary. Not. You aren't that good with treat." I said.

"Well, tell me a good treat then." He commanded.

"For the first, don't just give a glare, it's obviously not working. You need to do something like this." I said, stood behind him with my hand to his neck softly, but not too softly. Then I come close his ears and whispered my treat.

I let go of him and saw his wide eyes as I sat down.

"Captain?" King asked.

"You win, that is much better." He said paralysed.

"What do you think about me? Of course it is." I said and leaned back in my chair.

"What did you say?" Ban asked.

"Nothing special." I said.

"Nothing special?! That was the worst treat I ever heard!" Meliodas said.

"Really? What a newbie." I said. Everyone looked at me in disbelief. Especially Meliodas.

"Okay, I'm done, bye." I said and walked away. After walking some steps outside the kitchen, I heard footsteps. Fast footsteps. The next second, I was pinned to the wall.

I looked at an angry Meliodas.

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