"Ma'am. It was good too see you again Dalton. Talk later." Henry said too me walking over too his horse. I watched as both of my younger brothers rode away. Damn kids have no idea what they are doing with there lives. 

"Are you hungry. Etta and I made---" I cut her off. 

"No I don't want no food. Just leave me alone." I said too her. Zelda gave me a small smile then walked back inside the cabin. I sat back down in the old rocker. I could hear the kids laughing and playing out in the back of the cabin. I was about too go for a walk when I saw Dylan walking over too me with a cigarette in his mouth. I had no idea he smoked at all. 

"I heard you, Henry and Josiah talkin?" Dylan asked me, taking a seat next too me. 

"Why was they here?" I asked my bother.

"I paid them for the month." Dylan told me. I looked at him. 

"Pa don't pay no one now." I asked him. I should have known Brantley would run out of money. sad the richest men around here is all broke in less then 20 years. 

"No pa does pay, but they helped me with the old cabin for the last couple of weeks." Dylan told me. I just looked at him. 

"I see." I told him. Dylan looked at me. 

"You and Zelda want too look at the cabin or are you just up and leaving again." Dylan asked me. I looked at him. 

"You would love that, wouldn't you." I said too him. I got up and walked off the deck. 

"Where is you going brother?" Dylan yelled for me. I just kept on walking. I need too get away from this place for a while. If I had my horse with me, I would just ride away and never come back too this hell hole they call home. 

I've been walking around the woods for a few hours now. I'm not going too lie, I forgot how pretty it is out here. I sat down next too the creek bed. I was watching the creek water. I took a few drinks from the cold water before I made the choice of going back too Dylan's cabin. As I was walking back I could hear people talking. I walked closer to the people so I could see who it was. 

When I looked I knew who it was? I can't believe they are right there and they have no Idea that I'm standing 20 feet away from them behind the big oak tree. I couldn't take my eyes off my poor mama. It's been 10 long years since I've seen my mama and there she is. Sitting next too Brantley. 

"What's on your mind old woman?" I heard my father, Brantley asked my mama. 

"Just thinking love." Mama told him. Brantley looked at my mama and smiled. 

"Talk too me. What's going on in your pretty head?" Brantley asked my mama. 

"The kids. The grand babies. Our lives." Mama told Brantley. 

"Well, I can tell you this, all the kids are good. And so ain't all of our grandchildren. You just think so much woman." Brantley said too my mama. 

"Well, I know where all my babies are but one." Mama said too Brantley. Brantley looked at my mama and smiled at her. 

"We can't think on that no more. That boy made his mind up years ago." Brantley said too my mama. That old bastard. He is the reason I'm not around here any more. 

"It's been 10 years Brantley. Where is my son at? He could be killed and I wouldn't even know it. 10 years of his life that I've missed, that we missed all because you and Dalton think the same." Mama told Brantley. 

"Me and that boy are not the same." Brantley said too his wife, my sweet mama. And I agree with Brantley on that one. We are not the same person. 

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

The will of the Gilbert's (An Brantley Gilbert Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें