Not long after that Sanskar comes out and walks towards the bed. He just took a few pillows there and put them on sofa. Feeling tired, Sanskar also fell asleep on the sofa

Next Day!

Swara POV

My sleep began to be disturbed when I heard the gurgling of water from bathroom. Feeling disturbed, I woke up from my sleep and relaxed my stiff body
Soon Sanskar comes out of the bathroom. He already looks neat in his suit.

"Are you awake?" He asked. I just replied with a head shake "You better get down quickly, everyone's waiting" said sanskar

After saying that sanskar went outside and I immediately got up from my seat to go to the bathroom. "Swara.." Call sanskar. I turned to him "In this house, all the daughter-in-law wake up early to make breakfast. So don't repeat your mistake again, remember it''said Sanskar firmly. Again I just shook my head and continued my steps to go to the bathroom.

After a few minutes in the bathroom, I walked out in a yellow saree. But when I came out I still saw Sanskar sitting on the sofa reading some files "Have you finished breakfast?" I asked

"Not yet, I'm waiting for you" he answered without looking at me

"Okay, I'll be ready for a moment"

Immediately I walked over to the dresser and sat there. Putting on the mangal sutra around my neck and don't forget the sindoor. After that, I and Sanskar go downstairs to have breakfast with others


Arriving at the dining table, Swara helped Ragini and Parineeta to serve food to the others

"Sorry bad maa I'm a bit late" said Swara while serving food to Annapurna plate.

Annapurna chuckled with a swara saying "It doesn't matter swara. After all, it often happens to newly married couples" said Annapurna.

The whole family also started chuckling
Swara who understands what Annapurna means can only reply with a wry smile, while Sanskar keeps a flat expression. After a few minutes, everyone had finished breakfast and returned to their activities

At Night!

That night, Swara was busy tidying up her wardrobe. When she put some clothes into the closet suddenly something fell. Out of curiosity Swara immediately took it. How shocked she was after seeing it. It turns out to be Sanskar's photo with Kavita. Her heart really hurt at that time. How could a married man still keep his photo with another girl. What's worse, he doesn't even have one photo with Swara

"What are you looking at?"

After hearing it, swara suddenly stood up and her tears shrank. She turned around to see who was talking to her earlier,it is sanskar

"Mmm ... nothing" swara avoided

But Sanskar knows that Swara just cried "You just cried right?" Asked Sanskar

"No sanskar"

"Then why are your eyes red?"

"This is because earlier when I was cleaning the wardrobe there was some dust that got into my eyes, that's why my eyes were red"

Sanskar takes a rough breath then goes to the bathroom. 10 minutes later Sanskar comes out of the bathroom in his nightgown. His gaze fixed on Swara who was still busy arranging clothes in the wardrobe

"It's better to continue tomorrow, it's already night" said Sanskar who still put on a flat expression

"I'll sleep later" replied swara

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