imagine | hoshi

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every morning ever since the first day of school, there would always be a small package sitting on your table. it was perfectly wrapped in a cute blue and white checkered cloth with a picture of a grinning chibi tiger on the front.

there was always the same thing inside; a sandwich in a plastic wrapper, a chocolate-chip cookie and a juice packet.

for weeks you have always been wondering who it was from, and you've asked around with your friends, but the culprit must be a ninja as no one ever knew who it was. your friends always teased you that it has to be a secret admirer, but you always laughed it off, thinking it must be a prank from one of your friends.

however, you kinda secretly wished that whoever the culprit was was someone you knew, and you entertained the thought that you had a secret admirer and was so sweet to do this everyday without fail.

there would also be a note stuck onto the juice packet. it would always be addressed to you, and there would be a new encouraging message written on it everyday. but there was no sign-off or any sign who it was from.

today when you came to school it was still there, on your table like always. you grinned happily and couldn't wait to enjoy it for recess later.

the next day

you came to school extra early this morning, about 45 minutes earlier as you and your friend had to complete a project that was due today, and you guys didn't finish it during the weekend as you were busy.

the corridors were unusually quiet and still as your silently walked to your classroom, only the shuffling of your feet and the whirring of the printing machines in the staff room echoed through the hallway.

you slowly pushed open the classroom door, causing it to creak gently. you were surprised to see your a few classmates in there already, but they were the more quiet ones and sat in their seats reading books.

your friend had told you she would reach in around 10 minutes or so, so you put your bag down at your seat and walked to the window, putting your head out for some fresh air.

suddenly, you heard some shuffling going on at your table, and you whipped your head around to see the back of someone placing something on your table.

and what was it? it was the same exact package that you got everyday on your table. before you could even identify who it was, the figure quickly walked out of the classroom into the shadows. but your weren't gonna let the culprit leave so easily. you needed to find out who it was.

you briskly ran out of the classroom and noticed the same blond hair not far down the hallway. you smirked, so much for "Mr. Ninja" you thought.

you quickly stopped the person by placing your hand firmly on his shoulder, causing him to gasp and turn around.



the two of you shouted in unison. "w-what are you doing here?" soonyoung stuttered, clearly shocked by your presence.

soonyoung had been your childhood friend, and you guys came to the same high school, but you were not in the same class as he was a year older than you. the two of you weren't as close as before but there was definitely a lasting friendship that you shared.

after you regained your posture, you smirked. "you're the one who puts that package on my table everyday, aren't you? i saw you in action just now."

"i-i-..." he looked down and scratched the back of his neck, not knowing what to say now that his cover was blown.

"so much for mr. ninja, eh?" you giggled, and you could see a smile form on soonyoung's face too.

"yeah, it was me..." soonyoung blushed. "b-but i swear i'm not stalking you or trying to be creepy! i just...wanted you to eat well and healthily, that's all."

you smiled really big, and a blush found its way to your cheeks as you felt your face get hotter. "thanks...alot," you muttered sweetly, not daring to look at him.

soonyoung decided it was now or never. he took a deep breath and looked deeply into your eyes. "Y/N, i know we aren't as close as we were when we were younger, but i need to tell you that...i like you. in fact, i've always had. i always felt something special when i'm with you and, and you're just so amazing and special to me. i just hope that...we can be something more than friends?" he gave you a cute smile, showing his beautiful 10:10 eyes.

your heart melted as he sincerely confessed to you with so much confidence and you actually felt like tearing up.

but it was the best feeling in the world knowing that your crush actually liked you back. "i, i also have had a crush on you for a long time..." you blushed. "really? really? does that mean yes?"

"yah, soonyoung why are you so adorable? yes, of course i'd be with you!!" you squished his cheeks as he started jumping up and down in joy. this boy couldn't control himself and he was over the moon.

"wah! Y/N, thank you, thank you!! you made my dreams come true~!"

he took your hands into his and gently pulled you closer to him. "i love you, Y/N." he said a little more seriously after he had calmed down. he slowly leaned forward before carefully pressing his soft lips onto yours, making your eyes flutter close as you enjoyed the kiss.

who knew the one who secretly packed food for you everyday in school would be the one you'd truly love?

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