00.1|| where our story begins.

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IT ALL BEGAN one fateful night in Godrics Hollow, October 31st, 1981.

"Please Sirius, stay here. You have a daughter for crying out loud, you can't leave us.."

Baby Aquila sat in her crib, watching her parents fight. The poor baby had no idea what was going on, finding interest in her little fingers, then losing interest a second later.

"I won't be gone long! They're in trouble, Mary. I can feel it. I'll be back quickly, it'll be like I never left, sweetheart." Aquila's father said, cupping his dear wife's chin and making her look up at him. "I love you and Aquila, I promise I will be back. I'm here now, and I'll be here in the end." He said. Grabbing his wand and his jacket, he walked over to his daughters crib, gazing lovingly at the bundle of joy laying in it. Black hair, and high cheekbones, she was the spitting imagine of him, even as a baby. The only difference was those eyes.

The lovely ocean blue.

He picked up his daughter and laid a kiss on her soft forehead, "I love you more than the stars and the moon, little one. I will be back soon, for you. And for your mother." The baby grabbed his big thumb, it filling both her little hands. She giggled at him, finding such an interest in it. "Paddy," She giggled.

"Thats right. I'll be back soon, my love." He laid one last kiss on her forehead, then handed her off to her mother. He laid a soft kiss on his wife's lips and muttered the words, "I'll be back, I promise." And then he left.

You see, he never was amazing at keeping promises.


That was the last time Aquila and her mother had ever heard from the man. Her mother was never the same hearing that the man she loved had killed all those people, including their best friend, Peter.

Poor Peter.

Aquila had grown up, she was 13 now. The memories of her father became distant and distant, to the point she couldn't tell what was real or not real. She wasn't a very co-dependent woman, she knew how to do things for herself.

It's what happens when you have a mother who practically can't look at you without breaking down. Aquila grew up with no love from others, the only love she had was Self-love. And even that, she didn't have much of. One thing she kept with her always, was her fathers wedding ring. He left it that night, and since then she always wore it on her right pointer finger. She fidgeted with it often, mostly when she was trying not to think of the man she once called her father.

She was a witch, she had gotten her letter to Hogwarts when she was 11. She was in Gryffindor, following in her parents footsteps. shocker. She was a talented witch, she was never behind on her studies. She was a beautiful girl, no doubt, though she never saw so of herself. She always got compliments on her appearance, and she just plastered on a smile and thanked them kindly. She had high cheekbones, and a sharp jawline. Her hair was a dark dark brown, almost black. She was a dead-ringer for her father. The only difference? Her eyes.

Her eyes were a sunken blue, alternating between dark dark blue, and pale blue. Her eyes were always blank, and her face usually held no emotion. She had little in the way of friends. She owned a small raven black owl named Vinnie, whom was practically her only friend. Other than Luna Lovegood, and Ginny Weasley.

She was a very kind soul. She had a kindred spirit. She caused mischief wherever she went though..

Some may say she was exactly like her father.

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