"You can have another one" Jennie spoke up.

"Yeah these things are like two dollars, I'll go get one" he said and started walking towards the stalls.

"Hey, can I get another of your candied apple?" he asked politely.

"Sorry boy, all sold out" replied the old man, big with hairy arms and a bandana around his head, replied with a scent of smoke coming from this breath.

Jungkook turned around and shrugged, "you heard him".

Lisa nodded, although she wanted one, there was nothing they can do about it.

Rosé grabbed Lisa's hand, "whatever, the roller coasters have way more to expect anyways" she winked and lead Lisa to the long line up, followed by the Jennie, Jungkook, and Jisoo.

The three weren't supposed to be here, but Jisoo wouldn't stop blowing up Jennie's phone. It didn't matter anyways, she still found out where she was going and brought the two along as well. Don't even ask how she knew.

The five looked up at the tall roller coaster, three pairs of eyes were filled with excitement, one pair was bored, and one was actually filled with fear.


She gulped, and unconsciously backed took a step back when she noticed how tall it actually was.

"Let's go" Jennie said dully and lead the way, Rosé hopped in excitement dragging Lisa along with her, and Jungkook clenched his fist from the excitement. But one person stayed behind.

"U-um, I think I'll pass with this one" she stuttered.

Jisoo Duvessa Kim, the eldest daughter of the demon lord who ruled over his genus, stuttered.

She never stuttered.

Rosé raised an eyebrow to look at her questioningly, and Jennie just sighed. Meanwhile Jungkook and Lisa just looked at her curiously.

"Why?" Rosé asked.

"I'm over these things, too childish. Not suited for me" Jisoo forced a smile.

"Bullshit" Rosé said and grabbed Jisoo's arm, "don't be such a baby".

Jisoo furrowed her brows, "I am not a baby, I'm just not interested in these things" she said.

"Yeah right" she said and gave her that I don't believe you look.

Jisoo raised one of her brows, "are you challenging me?" she asked amused.

"Do you accept?" Rosé said cockily.

She smirked, Jisoo never backed down from a challenge.

"Jesus christ, n rewl rlbb epbd hglmh al gnvrh rlj n znjmbbo ve hrlgl mi n je bejvlg nbb fl mbnwl dpl he hrni aewnjv wnlsl ez irnh, n rewl he cllw ao iepb mi n glmsr hrl ljd ez hrni iregh fph bejv tepgjlo mjd ved n hgpbo rewl hrmh n ej'h wpcl nh eph nhr ao vphi" Jisoo muttered in some language nobody can understand.

She had her eyes shut tight and a death grip on the safety bar as they were moving slowly towards the top. And Rosé tried to stifle her sounds but failed as her laughter bawled out and caught the attention of everyone around her.

Each row had two seats, Rosé and Jisoo in the front, Jennie and Lisa behind them, then Jungkook with another guy at the back.

Jennie can't deny the fact that she was slightly amused by this. She remembers that time on Deliana's birthday she forced her sister to go on a roller coaster and she came down as pale as a ghost claiming she almost had a panic attack.

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