Love isn't everything

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I was lost

And I was heartbroken

I cried

And you left

I moved on

And you came back

You asked forgiveness

And I turned you down

I sit alone

Alone in a dark room

You called

And I didn’t answer

I died

And I lived again

I was once happy

But you took that away

And now happiness is no more

I was once cheerful

But soon darkness took over

And now I’m coldhearted

You took something from me

And now I’m taking something back from you

Get over it

Because life

Is a


Wrote this a long time ago when my ex broke up with me and he wanted me back it made since then but now I'm looking at it and laugh so if you read this I hope that it'll make you laugh and put a smile on your face so tell me what you think because like they sad a peom can be anything and it doesn't have to rhyme

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2012 ⏰

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