"I'd be happy to let you stay a while, if only to stick it to the elves," He chuckled, "Especially such a stuck up elf lass like Thranduil."

"Where is Legolas?" Gimli asked as he realised he wasn't there with me as he was expecting.

"I'll tell you later," I said quietly, my voice suddenly grim.

"I'll have a bedchamber made up for you but I can't guarantee it'll be suited to your size." Dáin continued, not paying attention to Gimli.

"My thanks. And don't worry, I grew up in the Mines of Moria, I am quite accustomed to dwarven sized rooms." I smiled lightly.

"Finally, an elf of true culture!" Dáin roared happily.


On the first night I was there, the King invited me to share a meal with him in his hall, as was the custom in most of the Kingdoms. As much as I was greatfull for the food and unlimited mead, I didn't have my usual appetite.

For the next three days, I mostly kept to my room. As much as I found Erebor beautiful, I didn't feel like exploring. I barely ate and though I stayed cuddled up in my bed, I barely slept.

On the forth day, there was a knock at my door. I assumed it was one of the servants trying to offer me food.

"Come in." I croaked, sitting up do I wasn't so sluggish.

"Right, what's wrong with you, elf?" Gimli asked gruffly as he pushed his way into my guest room.

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently.

"You know perfectly well what I mean, Sapphire," He said, crossing his arms stubbornly, "Yer not yourself."

"Just a little shaken up from the journey, is all." I lied, hoping he would buy it.

"I'm not a fool, nor am I blind." Gimli huffed as he took the mirror from my bedside table and shoved it into my hands, "I've been told elves don't suffer pestilence or disease, so why is it you look like death?"

I looked down at the mirror and saw my face. I was pale, almost so you couldn't tell where my forehead ended and my white hair started.

"What happened at Mirkwood?" Gimli asked.

"Let's just say, King Thranduil and me aren't exactly on the same page..." I trailed off sadly, "He has never approved of me, I don't know what I was thinking when I went back to Mirkwood."

Gimli patted me gently on the shoulder as I held back more tears. I didn't know what to do. I had never cared for something as useless as love in my entire life, that was always other people's problems. Now I finally knew what heartbreak felt like...

"I wish I had never met Legolas," I huffed, combing back my hair with my fingers, "If only we had never met with the Fellowship, then I could have just gone back to the Westfold of Rohan and continue being a ranger, without the disease of love."

"Don't talk like that, Sapphire," Gimli replied sternly, "I'll hear no more of your foolish nonsense. You are many things but you have never been wrong. You're a cunning warrior, lassie, nothing you do is merely by chance. Me and the elf may not have always gotten along but I'll say this for Legolas, love has never been clearer."

"Thanks Gimli," I smiled warmly, hugging him tightly, "But I simply can't go back to Mirkwood, Thranduil is likely to kill me is I take a single step towards his son again."

"Is there nothing I can do?" He asked sadly.

"I'm afraid not. Thranduil has nothing but contempt for Dwarves ever since the King of Erebor stole the only thing he had left of his late wife, her beautiful white jewelry. With every visit, he hates me more and more because of my constant praise of the dwarves..." I trailed off, a sudden thought springing to mind.

The White Gems! They were here in Erebor! The very reason for Thranduil's long mistrust of dwarves sat in these very halls!

"The White Gems!" I exclaimed, springing from my bed, making Gimli jump.


I had just rushed all the way to Dáin's throne, Gimli following me still confused as to my outburst. When I finally neared the throne, Dáin looked up at me curiously as he saw my haste.

"What's the rush?" He asked as he then spotted how pale I was, "Lady Sapphire, are you well?"

"I have a favour to ask of you," I said quickly as Gimli finally caught up and was standing beside me.

"That rather demands on what you ask of me," he said curiously.

"This may sound like an odd request, but do you still have the Mirkwood Gems? The ones stolen from King Thranduil years ago?" It was a bit blunt but I didn't care, all I cared about in that moment was the glimmer of hope I was suddenly given.

"Stolen? I'd call it liberated but anyways, what need have you for them? Not that they don't go with your white hair but I didn't take you one for jewelry?" He chuckled, amused by my request.

"May I have them?" I asked, I could have been more subtle but I wasn't in my right mind.

"Now why would I give up my most beloved trophies?" He burst out laughing, "Why would I just give the gems over when I could be dangling it and waving it in the King's face? Serves him right, the pointy eared fairy!"

"Please..." I said quietly as I waited for him to stop laughing.

"I'm all for sticking it to the elves but I implore you to listen," Gimli spoke up, silencing the King's laughter, "Lady Sapphire is in love with the Prince of Mirkwood, the son of Thranduil and a dear friend to me. She fled the city because the King did not approve of her because of her dwarven way of life. His prejudice stems from the robbery of his most precious objects."

Not so subtle either but it got the point across. I looked down at my shoes as I waited for Dáin to reply. When he didn't, I looked up and saw him studying me curiously.

"I thought elves could not die of illness, why then do you look like you have a deadly fever?" He asked, completely out of the blue.

"Two things may slay and elf. They can die in battle... Or they can die of a broken heart..." I said quietly.

"The gems mean nothing to us dwarves, but they are priceless in the eyes of the Elven King. Let her return to Mirkwood with them," Gimli explained as calmly as he could, "You do not know Sapphire nor Legolas as well as I do, but I owe them my life, so does the rest of Middle-Earth."

I waited in agony for some time as King Dáin mulled this logic over in his head. Dáin had always been the stubborn type and wasn't the kind to just give up his trophies.

"Take them..." He sighed, "But so help me, don't make me regret this decision."

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