School Spirits

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Chapter 1: Jacob Holtz

Another day went by without his best friend sitting next to him at lunch. Today officially marked the fifth day Seth wasn't there with Jacob.

" Where the heck is Seth? ," muttered Jacob quietly.

Behind him, Jacob heard noisy footsteps trudging up. "Where's your little friend, Seth, at, Holtz?" Jacob slowly turned around to only see the school bully, Collin Smith, with a smudge of mustard on his huge chin.

Collin ranked himself to be at the top of the food chain and placed Jacob at the bottom sadly.

Somehow, Collin even managed to have a girlfriend! Sure, there was some girls Jacob liked! Some were really pretty or smart, but the one he was in love with was named Lauren. In his mind, Lauren was perfect, an angel even! Her flowing locks of light brown hair was so beautiful in the sunlight. Her eyes were a deep green, the color of evergreen trees and Jacob loved EVERY bit her!

Collin punched him in his stomach, causing him to break away from Jacob's daydreaming. "I said, WHERES YOUR LITTLE FRIEND, HOLTZ!!" Jacob never cowered in fear anymore, standing up to Collin like this. Some people just ran away in terror because of the huge boy.

Jacob stood up and shouted in Collin's ear," I don't know where he is!!" Surprised by the sudden action from this scrawny kid, Collin actually stumbled and backed away.

"Honey, what happened? I thought you were going to beat this scrawny kid...for me." a sweet voice said. Jacob looked behind himself and there standing, arms crossed, was Collin's girlfriend. "Oh great, just what I needed today!" Jacob thought sadly to himself. Nobody usually helped a poor kid out when they were getting beat up.

His girlfriend, Meghan Lolson was glaring at Jacob. "Uh..." Collin said confidently," This little punk tried to shove me, but I punched him in his gut! He was moaning and bawling like a baby! You should have seen him!!!"

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Why in the world would Meghan ever believe this guy?" Jacob thought.

"Oh, honey! I'm so proud of you!" Meghan exclaimed, standing on her tiptoes. Collin reached down and they started to kiss, not one of those quick peck on the lips.

The kiss they shared was really gross, but Jacob tried, but failed, to see Lauren and himself doing that kind of stuff. Even the thought of kissing Lauren like that made him gag, out loud, loud enough to pull the lover's lips apart.

Collin smirked and told Jacob,"Aw! Little Jacob doesn't have his own girlfriend to kiss!" Collin deepened his voice," Well too bad, punk! You will NEVER have a girlfriend, Holtz!" Laughing at his own joke, Collin turned around, wrapped his arm around Meghan, and they walked of together, still laughing. At that moment, something was about to change about Jacob, something that would haunt him.


Author's Note: Hey guys! So, this is my first book I have ever written on Wattpad! Tell me what you guys think so far and if you would want to read more! Thanks everyone!!


Chapter 2: Seth Materson

Seth's eyes slowly opened, the sunlight pouring into his room. Today marked the fifth day he had been sick. Doctors had already examined him. They projected a wooden popsicle stick down his throat, making sure that he didn't have strept throat. They swabbed his cheek with a Q-tip for whatever reason. Whatever they asked or did, Seth never got better.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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