5. Finding a Farmer

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The man moved closer to Rose, bundling up the skirt of her dress and her slip, pulling them higher and stroking her thigh roughly

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The man moved closer to Rose, bundling up the skirt of her dress and her slip, pulling them higher and stroking her thigh roughly.

This could not happen, it was not right! She looked around in desperation, was there nobody who could help? But there were not many nearby at this hour, and even if she could manage to get the attention of the few sailors she saw on other boats she was not sure it would help. What if they decided to side with her captor?

Her mind was working busily. She thought of kneeing him in his groin, but then he would likely shoot her, and that was also why she could not just run away or jump overboard. Could she manage to take the gun from him? No, that would probably end with her being shot as well.

"Lovely." He was touching her drawers.

She had to try the knee. Gathering her courage, Rose had almost raised her leg to proceed with the attack when she caught sight of three people running silently up the jetty; the little boy, Elizabeth and Jack Sparrow. She had never seen a more welcome sight in her life.

The man must not discover them; if he knew aid was on the way, he might shoot them – or her, for that matter. She must distract him somehow.

"Oh... yes..." she murmured in what she hoped was a seductive voice. She licked her lips.

The man's eyes were drawn to them. "You like that, don't you, poppet." He moved in to kiss her and she met him, desperately trying not to make a disgusted sound as she tasted the foul chewing tobacco on his mouth. His rough beard scratched her chin and his lips were brutally hard, nearly smothering her.

She pretended to caress his shoulder and trailed her fingers slowly down his arm, the one holding the gun. She could not keep up the pretense of liking the kiss much longer, fearing she would throw up at any moment, and it was hard to breathe with his tongue nearly down her throat.

The others had arrived, but when they stepped into the boat it tilted slightly and began to rock. The pirate instantly turned towards them, moving his gun their way.

Rose grabbed his arm and heaved down with all her might. Before he could shake her off, Elizabeth had her dagger pointing at his gut and Jack his sword against his throat.

"Back off, bilge rat," Elizabeth hissed. "And drop that pistol."

The man looked from Elizabeth to Jack and back again, assessing the situation. Then Rose felt his arm relax and the gun fell to the deck with a dull thud. Jack quickly kicked it out of range.

"All right, all right. Can't a man have some fun? She liked it. Didn't you, poppet?"

Rose glared at him, trying to think of a suitably cutting reply. Then she remembered something. Hawk down... get some body to it...

"Well, mister, here is my answer to that." She hawked, chewed, and spit him right in the eye.

Jack looked impressed. "You spit like a man, miss Dawson!"

Rose in the Caribbean // Jack Sparrow x RoseWhere stories live. Discover now