Chapter 24

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I looked up, hoping no one heard me talking to Thomas. I figured dropped down next to the fallen tree, Liz...Followed by Anna. A hand reached under and grabbed my wrist and pulled me out. Anna grabbed the straps of my shirt and held me close to her face. If she was gonna punch me I didn't care. I was just happy she's alive, instead she pulled me in for a hug. I didn't move, I was shocked she didn't pound my face in, when she let me go Liz approached,
"I told her what happened, that you didn't mean it. So...Thomas Huh? He your imaginary boyfriend?" She asked with a smirk, glad she's back.

"No, he's gonna get us Outta here. Tonight." Anna and Liz exchanged looks,
"Well...there's not really a point, Geo..."
Anna's voice trailed off,
"What?" I asked
"He has everyone convinced it's your fault that were in this crazy mess. So I doubt anyone will join you and this mystery dude."
She made a valid point, but we had to try. I didn't want anyone else too die...because of me, or at all for that matter.
"Anna, Liz. We have to try, you belive me right? That he'll help us get out of here." Liz put her hand on my shoulder,
"Of course. We'll help you with whatever you need." Anna nodded,
"I'm...shocked, after all I did to you?" Anna shrugged,
"Like Ella said when I was going wackadoo, the past is behind us." I smiled, glad they agree now,
"Liz you agree?" She kinda glanced at the ground,
"Well yeah, sorta I mean-I know its not your fault Rachel died. But I just need to ask, what do you know about me? About all of us?"
That would be along story so I decided to put it in the shortest form possible.

"Chloe and Zoey." Liz's lip quivered as if trying to say down thing,
"W-what..?" She mumbled,
"Chloe. That's your real name, And Zoey. That's Rachel's real name."
She glanced down,
"So everything I know about myself...even my own name, is a lie."

"No, your still the frost shank you were when I first met y-" I stopped...I didn't want to bring that experience up.
"What about me?"

"Your Charlotte. You changed quite abut from what I can remember." She nodded,
"What parents?" I saw her glance down, was she crying?
"They...they're dead. I'm sorry." She glanced up, she was going to cry, or I thought so, her a Liz both. But instead they wiped their eyes and folded their arms.
"Well, Geo said to keep you in lockdown until further I'm sorry, we have to take you back to prison."
I scoffed,
"They call that a prision, I broke those boards in half."

"YA know, you could possible help us with the Greiver attacks, after all. You said you Renee your fighting skills." Liz joined in, I shrugged. All I could do was wait for Thomas.

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