My Sweetheart; Is a Witch?

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  • Dedicated kay Ruelyn Rafols


WITCH. What comes in your mind if you hear this word? Bad person? Black spells? Can’t be trusted? Well, a mind of a person can’t be judge. They have the rights to tell what’s in there mind. But is really witches are that bad? Are they all using black spells? Can’t they be trusted?

I’m Kiara Lei Mendoza. A 4th year Highschool student of St. Marcus Academy. Yes. I’m a witch. But to be informed you, a good witch. I use white spells. I’m a good person; well sometimes I’m bad. And most of all, I can be trusted. I’m in the middle term of my 4th year high when my family announced something. It’s about our culture that made my life suck and all things CHANGED. But when I met this guy… my problematic life made me happy just for a little while. But can this guy help me if he founds out who am I really was and he will know that I’m just using him on my problem?

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