~Chapter 39~

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You woke up the next day and got ready for school. You headed towards the front door.

Griffin: Remember don't talk to Charli

Y/n: Yeah whatever

You left the house and waited at your bus stop. The bus got here and you got on. You sat next to Jaden.

Jaden: Hey

Y/n: Hey

Jaden: Charli told me about yesterday

Y/n: What happened?

Jaden: Griffin doesn't want you guys to talk anymore

Y/n: Oh we just won't talk around him

Jaden: Smart

The bus got to school and you walked to first period.

~Skip to lunch~

You got your lunch and sat at your table.

Addison: Guys we have news

Josh: We?

Addison: Me and Bryce are dating

Avani: I knew it you guys are perfect for each other

Charli: Finally Braddison

Bryce: Braddison?

Payton: Your ship name

Y/n: Like Jarli

Jaden: And (yours and Jaden's ship name)

You guys ate and talked. Lunch ended and you guys walked to your last periods.


You walked in and sat at your table. Josh was about to sit next to Jaden till Mads sat next to him.

High school(Jaden Hossler)Where stories live. Discover now