I wont forget

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-----Jemma's pov-----
It's now Saturday it's juke box week! We've got A B C by Jackson 5 and we've got I wanna dance with somebody!
They are the best songs!
Incase you wanted to know me and B are doing well they are about a month old? Something like that I forget.
We have one performance with dancing in it and that's obviously I wanna dance with somebody.

*later that night*
It's time to sing ABC I'm scared but oh well.
After we sang the judges was all smiling.
Simon:"loved it girls! You have done amazing!"
Cheryl:"loved it! That's it."
Lou:"wow girls I loved it!"
He better of loved it silly little old man!
I love him but he gets annoying I'm gonna blame it on my mood swings.

It's time for our second performance!
Ones we sang all judges was standing up smiling! It's like we was an act performing on a Sunday before the results!
Simon:"you never fail to surprise me girls nor do you disappoint me! I loved it."
Cheryl:"wow wow wow I loved it! You are going to be famous one day!" We hope we hope.
Mel:"you will be famous I can tell!"
Lou:"you will be famous girls well done for tonight I loved both performances! Remember to vote!"

Our fans have been very supportive of us they keep tweeting how many times they have voted for us!
We said thankyou to all our fans!
It was time to see who was going home I'm so scared!

It ended up being Stereo Kicks who left sadly...
I will miss them all even Jake I mean I have half of him practically in me...
We said our good bye and the boys noticed I was crying I will blame it on b!
"Why you crying Jem?" Casey asked.
"Because b will miss their uncles" I said shyly.
"Don't blame it on b! You will blame B so you don't have to say you will miss us!" Chris said hugging Chloe.
"Obviously I will miss you all but B wants their uncles!" I said.
"And B will have them when their born" James said hugging Martine.
Ffs everyone's hugging I don't get anyone.
"Jem I won't forget our best friend times" Jake said.
"I won't either Jake I won't either" I said saying 100% the truth...

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