He opened the door to the car, sitting in the backseat with the omega in his arms. Taehyung was breathing softly; his eyes closed in an attempt to gather energy. Only now, Yoongi noticed how pretty the omega really was. His soft honey skin, perfectly framed by his brown hair. His long lashes touching his defined cheekbones, his malleable lips formed into a slight pout.

He concluded that he couldn't be happier. He gently caressed the boy's cheek, him unconsciously leaning into the touch. Right at this moment, he seemed so frail, so delicate that if he might press to heart, he'd shatter in his arms.

He had forgotten about the incident earlier, the only thing on his mind being his lovely mate. He looked up as he heard the door open, and Hoseok entered the vehicle. The latter glanced into the rearview mirror, glad to see that the alpha's eyes had changed back to the deep brown he was accustomed to.

"Is he okay?" Hoseok asked, starting the engine and pulling out of the parking lot behind the venue.

Yoongi nodded, smiling to himself. "You know that you will pay for the trashed venue," Hoseok added, eyes fixated on the street.

The pale alpha just nodded. He'd pay endless amounts of money if it'd mean he could keep his omega safe. Only now, it dawned on him how powerful the mate bond truly is. He had seen the boy once, now twice, and was already willing to die for him. Ordinary people would call him crazy, would tell him that it's impossible to fall in love this fast, never to mention so hard and deep. But he didn't care.

Everything he cared about was placed in his lap, peacefully drifting off into a world unknown to him.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

As they arrived at the apartment complex, Yoongi contemplated if he should wake the boy. He decided against it; the pain of his heat would hit at full force again. He was surprised that he could stay calm and even more surprised that his best friend and manager didn't seem fazed by it.

Hoseok got out, and Yoongi carefully scooped the omega up into his arms, carrying him up to the door. Hoseok gently knocked on it, the door almost instantly being opened.

Yoongi stood face to face with the other raven-haired alpha, who narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Yoongi tried to suppress a growl. He couldn't help but be emotionally unstable since so much happened in the past few hours.

Jeongguk wordlessly stepped aside, motioning for Yoongi to follow him. They walked into a small corridor with Jeongguk opening the last door on the left, presumably to the omega's room.

Yoongi gently placed him down on the bed, pulling the covers over him. As he stood straight again, he noticed something on the wall. He turned to get a better look at it and couldn't hold back from grinning; it was a poster of him.

He looked at the omega one last time before quietly closing the door and returning to the others. They were sitting in the living room, Hoseok gnawing on his bottom lip and Jeongguk glaring at the wall.

Yoongi sat down on the armchair opposite the sofa, intently watching the aggravated alpha. The tension was almost suffocating, worsened by Hoseok glancing back and forth between the alphas, clearly fearing that another fight would break out.

Luckily Jimin entered the room with a tray full of sweets and tea in his hands, setting it down on the table. After giving everyone a mug and setting the bowls on the table, he plopped down beside his mate.

"So you're my best friend's mate, huh?" He mused, leaning his head onto Jeongguk's shoulder.

Yoongi just nodded with an amused smirk, "Seems like it."

"My god, if you only knew how many hours of him gushing over you I had to endure over the last few years," Jimin groaned, scrunching up his nose in annoyance.

"Well, at least he doesn't hate me," Yoongi shrugged, grinning back at the omega.

"Yet," Jeongguk said, glaring at Yoongi, who just furrowed his brows.

"Gguk! You can't change it now, what happened happened. How about you try to be happy that your brother's mate happens to be a person he has been idolizing for the past two years?" Jimin said, voice soft yet stern, only receiving a scoff.

"Why do you hate me?" Yoongi decided to ask, not wanting to beat around the bush.

Jeongguk seemed a bit taken aback at the straightforwardness but caught himself quickly. "Because because you could potentially harm him."

"I'm pretty sure he's old enough to decide if someone is potentially dangerous." Yoongi quipped, taking a sip of his tea.

"Yeah, but as his brother, it's my duty to keep an eye on him," Jeongguk said, smirking at the momentary widening of the other's eyes.

"But why, though? He seems perfectly fine on his own," Hoseok intervened, his curiosity piqued.

"You don't know our parents." Jeongguk sighed. "They're overprotective of him since he's their firstborn and a male omega."

Jimin just nodded. "They wouldn't even let him move out without Jeongguk, fearing something would happen to him," he added, feeling the need to clear the confusion.

"He's pretty tall for an omega. If I didn't smell his scent at Limelight, I would've guessed he's either a beta or an alpha," Hoseok said, nodding to himself.

"Yeah, he's lucky he got these genes," Jimin mumbled, his envy for the other's appearance, especially height, showing through.

Jeongguk just grinned and squeezed his mate's thigh, amused how easily he got worked up about it.

"So, how are we going to proceed? I mean, you two will stay in touch, but I mean, what about the fans and press and marking and whatnot?" Jimin asked, focusing on Yoongi.

"I think we should keep it lowkey at first. We should get to know each other better, and maybe make it official when we're both sure and both have agreed." Yoongi said, staring into his mug.

Everyone silently nodded, agreeing that it's the best option. "What about his heat? He will need you." Jeongguk said, eyes narrowing the rapper down again.

"I'll be there. Don't worry, and I won't rush things. I'll just keep him company and give him lots of affection." Yoongi said, a smile inevitably showing at the thought of cuddling with his mate.

Jimin cooed, feeling happy for his best friend.

Jeongguk cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention. "Alright, you seem like a decent human being. One single complaint from Tae and your dick will be torn off, though," he said, shooting Yoongi a warning glance.

"I can live with that," the latter sighed, drinking the rest of his tea.

A soft whine caught everyone's attention, mostly Yoongi's. He shot Jeongguk a glance, who just reluctantly nodded. He was on his feet before someone could say 'cat' and opened the door, gulping at sight in front of him.

The omega was sprawled on the bed in only his briefs, eyes instantly focusing on the alpha. He whined again, his eyes pools of ocean blue with golden speckles floating in them.

Yoongi closed the door and went over to him, sitting down. Before he could act, he was pushed down onto the mattress with Taehyung straddling him, nosing at his neck to scent him. Yoongi's eyes fluttered closed, the sensation making butterflies erupt in his stomach.

"It's alright, I'm here," he whispered, arms slithering around the omega's waist to hold him close.

Taehyung felt the pain ease a little, calming down from the heavenly scent of his mate.

They just laid there, cuddling and enjoying each other's presence, still getting accustomed to the electrifying feeling of each other's touches.

Guess who's back

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