Chapter 2: Alpha Aiden

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Alpha Aiden's POV

'We got trespassers.'

My Beta, Nick, informed me through our mind link. Disturbing me from doing my thing.

I growled as I pushed the She-Wolf who's straggling above me, kissing me hungrily. My wolf is in heat and it's so thirsty for sex these days... This girl on top of me is just one of many that I had today. Just as playtime. A way to ease my raging libido which is too eager to be pleased.

The girl looked at me with a shocked face. Probably puzzled that I pushed her. We already fucked a couple of times and I can't feel any exhaustion. I want more.

No, it's not the girl I that I want but... just sex.

Still, Nick's news can't be ignored. I'm the Alpha of the strongest pack in this region. It's against me to prioritize pleasure over my responsibilities.

And whoever trespassed my territory is brave enough to do so. No one dared to set foot in my land unannounced or without my consent—unless they wish to be dead.

Lately, Rogue's are having death wishes. They never stop coming.

I growled once again when I noticed the girl is still on me. Her face got paled and get off my lap.

I sat down and reached to Nick.

'Rogues?' My growls are heard. My wolf is angry. My heat session was interrupted and my wolf's thirst was unsated.

'Yes, what do you like me to do to them?'

I grabbed my clothes and head out of my room.

'Bring them to the prison. I will kill them.'

Getting in my car, I can still feel the unsated heat of my wolf that made my mood worse than it already is.

And the thought that I'll lose some steam by killing some interrupting dogs? Huh. My wolf is pleased. So am I.

I drove to the pack building where the prison is underground.

'Don't you think killing them is a little harsh, Aiden?' My Beta being the balancer as he is made my wolf angered by his question.

Beta was supposed to balance the Alpha's decision. They always need to say what's against the Alpha's resolve to balance the outcome.

Still, it is the Alpha's settlement. Beta's are just to balance but not to rule.

And I am the rule.

'I'm your Alpha and I'll do what I want.'

My wolf even growled at Nick in our mind link. For packs, the way my wolf growl will bend any member's knees.

'Yes, Alpha.'

I parked on my spot in the building and headed inside. I smelled Nick's scent underground. He must have arrived.

I headed to the prison. Two Rogue male wolves are laying on the floor of the cell. Both of them are conscious but too weak to move.

"Alpha." The guards greeted me but I gave no attention to them. My wolf and I are just furious that we're too focused on killing the two Rogues.

I went inside the cell and my figure hovered over them.

"You weak bastards!" I spat at them. "How dare you enter my territory!?" I growled at them. I felt my guards took a step away from me. Probably scared of me.

They should, as right now is my worse mood.

"Just k-kill us." One of the rogues said.

I gritted my teeth. My wolf is ready to do so.

Call me AlphaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant