Tide:how,your captured

Shadow:whether,I am captured or not,they'll listen to Me,so if they want to do the deed,then I just tell them,that only one of them can do it,and they'll probably go fight amongst themselves,which will hive Me time to escape


Blitz:very smart

Shadow:thank you

Tide:well,here's a question from a long time,question giver FalloutUSS-Pride2077,he asks"Nagaro,if you can get sushi,who will you get it from and who do you prefer as a mother,Friedrich or Yamato"

Nagaro:I like Lady Musashi's sushi because their really good but I also want to try,Lady Amagi's sushi because everyone says,she's the best cook in the Sakura Empire and for the other question,my Mommy is Lady Yamato, and no one else

Shadow:alright then,well he's some questions from WonShen,he asks "Peacekeepers,what do you do if you see your Girlfriends hurt,Commander/Captain/General Shadow,who's your favorite Catgirl out of the six,and Nagaro,who would kill first,Enterprise for shooting Kaga or Q.E for annoying you"

King:I think it's pretty,self explanatory,as to what would happen

Em:very self explanatory

Blitz:yes,it's too obvious,what happens

Tide:I would find Seattle's attacker,make him suffer for what he's done,tear him apart,limb from limb,then dump his blood into the sea,until the ocean is completely polluted in his blood while his severed body hangs from the tallest building of New York








Tide:I mean,it's pretty self explanatory

Shadow:alright then,uhm,my favorite out my cat girls,well like last time, don't tell them,I'm keeping eyes on the comments,my favorite has to be,Maple,she gets most of the house work done,before,everyone else is awake

Nagaro:can I choose to kill both at the same time,it wouldn't be hard to do

King:well,Shadow,I got one for you,from CrazeWrezk,he asks"Shadow,do you own any military vehicle or aircraft also,do you have multiple properties in regards to housing

Shadow:yes,I do actually,I own a modified F-242 multi purpose fighter,named "The Silver Wing",fastest jet in Schicksal's arsenal,I have upgraded TO-1,which is a tank with a railgun,it has an upgrade to it's armor and to it's speed, and yes I do own multiple properties,I have the mansion,in New Washington DC,I have a mountain side house in the country side of wester America,I own a house in the countryside of the Philippines and I own my families,old house,which is in a forest,that separates a Sub-urban area in west California and New Brighton beach

Tide:let's take this as the final question,since it's a good one,this is also from CrazeWrezk,he asks"how would you all feel,if all your worlds collided"

Tide:wasn't Author-san already planning this

Shadow:shh,your not supposed to give spoilers

Tide:oh crap

Nagaro:I would feel dizzy

King:I'd be very confused

Em:agreed,we wouldn't know,which girl is from our universe and which one isn't

Tide:that could end up with some very bad misunderstanding

Blitz:yes,now imagine,4 Roons in the same room together

Shadow:now,that's going to be my nightmare fuel for tonight

Ladon:god,that would catastrophic

Tide:well,since the last question is answered,let's get with the outro and announcement about the next chapter of this story

Shadow:well we hope you all did enjoy this chapter,just as much as we did,enjoy answering your questions,if you have anymore for us or had a question,that wasn't answered today,be sure to put it in the comments below

Tide:woah,woah,come down Shadow,were not the ones answering question,next chapter

Nagaro:were not

Shadow:ah,that's right,well guys,next chapter,we won't be here to answer your questions but in our stand,we will be bringing the girls,to answer your questions

Tide:they won't remember anything from here so ask anything you like, whether,it's story related ot not

Shadow:the girl's we are bringing will have a significant correlation with us,so it won't be just a random girl from our story

Tide:for us Peacekeepers,it'll be our Girlfriends,so it's Seattle,Neptune,Ibuki and Roon

King:wait why them

Tide:cause,they have the greatest correalation with us,so cancel anything your planning with them next week

Shadow:for Ladon,it'll be Enterprise,since their in love with each other

Ladon:oh,we don't just love each other,we already made love with each other

Blitz:*covering Nagaro's ears*dude,calm down,there's a kid here

Em:*covering Nagaro's fox ears*yah, don't ruin his innocence

Nagaro:what did Mr.Shadow say

Tide:nothing you have to worry about


Shadow:as for Nagaro,Kasumi will be in his place,since she's his love interest

Nagaro:*still has his ears covered*what

Shadow:nothing,and as for Me,Siring will be taking my place,because,both my top picks have been taken

Tide:remember,you can ask them,anything you want so get creative,hope to see you all then

Peacekeeper's,Ladon,Nagaro & Shadow out

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