Chapter 25

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Time lapse: a few months

I wake up to a loud knock at the door. I glance at the clock: 2:14am. Who could be here this early? I rub my eyes and roll out of bed and go to the front door. The knocking never stopped. I open it and I see Will. "Will?" I asked. "Sorry to bother you, its about Christina" He says. Tobias comes seconds later. "Whats going on?" He asks. "Christina says she wants Tris. Its urgent just come on" Will says. I quickly smooth my hair with my hand then slip on my shoes. "I'll be back soon, get some rest" I say before kissing Tobias. He nods and I leave and close the door behind me. I wonder whats wrong with Christina.
Me and Will walk into the apartment and Christina is sitting on the couch, her head is down and shes breathing heavily. "Chris, are you okay?" I asked. I sat next to her and put my hand on her back. "I think it's time" She says. "Chris, your only a little over six can she come so early?" I said. A scream escapes her mouth. "Okay, Okay relax" I said. Will stands in front of us. "We have to take her to the infirmary" I said. I'm alert now, but my eyes still feel tired. "Its too early!" Will said. "Will. We have to," He nods. He crouches in front of her, muttering things to her. So quiet that I can't hear. She nods and stands up, Will supporting her. Then we head to the infirmary.
I've been in the infirmary with Christina for a couple hours now. I wonder if Tobias is peacefully sleeping or awake worrying. A doctor finally comes in after forever. "We're going to have to give her a C-section, but we don't have the proper equipment here, so she'll need to be transferred to another hospital" The doctor says. "What?" I spit out. Christina almost shouts something but it comes out as a choke from the pain. "What's the most close hospital?" I ask. "Erudite" The doctor says. I promised Tobias I wouldn't go anywhere near Erudite. "Chris, if you go there, I don't know if I can come..." I say. She shakes her head.
"No, you have to. Please" She says. I sigh. "Okay" The doctor leaves to confirm the arrangements.
After I stopped by the apartment and told Tobias what was going on he came along and and we headed to the Erudite Hospital by a car driven by a Dauntless Doctor. Tobin was watched by Zeke and Shauna. I hope I can trust them. On the drive there it was calm and smooth, besides Christina occasionally groaning in pain. I leaned my head on Tobias' shoulder and tried not to fall asleep as we approached the hospital. Christina and Will got out and I took a sharp breath then got out, followed by Tobias. Will supported Christina the whole way there. We got sent into a room, it was larger then it needed to be. Maybe I'm just used to the infirmary, with beds in a tight row. Tobias just sat in the far side while I sat next to her and talked to Christina to pass time. "Does it hurt?" Will asks. "No not at all!" She snaps sarcastically. "Lets just eat cake and skip around!" I laugh. "Candor smart mouth" Tobias says. "Shut up Stiff" She says jokingly. I laugh again.
Me and Tobias sit in the waiting room. They have stiff sofas here instead of chairs. I check the clock on the wall: 4:32am. I sigh and grab Tobias' hand. "You tired?" He asks quietly. "You have no idea" I say. "Plus its freezing in here" Tobias took off his jacket and put it over my shoulders. I smiled then pressed my lips to his. He kissed me back, then I nuzzled into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and sleep finally came again.
I wake up, me and Tobias are still in the exact same positions. "Hey" He says. "Hi". I look around, we're the only ones here besides an Erudite teenage boy sitting across the room from us. Not many people are here this early. "Christina's out of surgery, but the baby was born so early its at a risk, they're not answering many questions" He says. Oh God, I hope they're alright. I hand Tobias his jacket back and leaned my elbows on my knees, then put my head in my hands. I took a deep breath then said "Okay, lets go". When we walk into Christina's room it looks like shes been crying. But no tears are touching her cheeks. I sat down next to her again. "Hey" I said, smiling a little, a fake smile. "Hey" she chokes out. I don't have any words. I just get up and gently hug her, though shes in a hospital bed. She holds me back tightly. She sniffles and swallows. When I sit back down tears finally show on her face. I haven't seen her cry like that since what happened to Al, when we were initiates. "She'll be okay" I said softly. "I already know she's Dauntless" Christina smiles. "So Dauntless she would decide to come early to...I don't know...beat up Peter or eat chocolate cake sooner." They chuckle. "She's not beating up Peter until I do" Christina says. I laugh. "That's the spirit, Chris" I say. A doctor walks in. Theres a deafening silence.
Sorry for the cliff hanger everyone!

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