Chapter 15 - Arrow that Pierces Despair

Start from the beginning

It felt similar to how the transference of powers from another Armament to his. This one, however, felt more sinister and forceful. It was as if the little magical energy he had was being forcefully taken by the appendages.

He might have just found out the secret behind Satoru's control over the labyrinth walls, not that it would help him now.

He next felt a powerful blow that took the air out of him as a wave of vines smacked him straight on the face. Seeing Satoru's left palm open and close, he cussed under his own breath.

With his shield locked onto Satoru's, he had nowhere to go.

Such was proven true when he found himself being hit from behind, eliciting a loud grunt of pain out of him.

Damn this!

Determined to free himself from the grip that continued to drain him of his energy, he planted his feet onto the ground.

Feet found themselves sinking deep into muddy ground that wasn't there the first time around.

Satoru was not just content with just a deadlock and a slow burn. He was thinking one step ahead of the opponent.

Kazuki deduced that Satoru also gained the ability to manipulate the whole labyrinth to an extent.

Talk about a broken ability.

Caught by surprise, Kazuki lost focus as he got hit by another wave of attacks. This time, the vines, sharp as they were, punctured deep into his right shoulder.

Letting out a shout, Kazuki swatted the vines away with his free hand. "This is bad..."

Satoru, however, leaned back, and along with his leap back came Kazuki's freedom. Kazuki watched in amazement at the tentacle shield that dropped to the ground.

"I've been warning you not to be reckless," said Uehara with much effort. Her posture was poor, but she seemed to be managing well enough.

The sword, despite being held in a low position, looked as dangerous as ever.

"How am I supposed to know that he has those kinds of powers?" argued Kazuki, who just freed his feet from the muddy ground.

Before the girl can answer, out of the soft ground came a pillar that erupted upwards. Both Kazuki and Uehara barely dodged the force that would have sent anyone skyward.

"This guy is nuts."

"I'll handle this, Arata."

Kazuki raised his eyebrows at the statement.

"You what? You won't last a minute against that thing in your state."

"I know."

"Oi, you—"

"For the meantime, please get her back in shape."


"Amagi's Armament. I saw its amazing ability with my own eyes. It's our key to victory."

After seeing the look on Uehara's face, Kazuki's tense body relaxed. It was a look that he had seen quite many times already, but he knew that this time, that look of certainty meant a slightly different thing.

So you're telling me it's up to us two this time.

He made sure that his expression remained unchanged, stoic enough to hide the relieved smile that wanted to pop out at any moment. They have been fighting together as allies, but now, he can clearly see that she intended to entrust things to him, and more importantly, Amagi.

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