Chapter 1 ( Lucky Draw )

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You were sitting in your bed feeling comfy with your laptop on your lap, surfing the internet for some news about *of course* k-pop. And you found some news regarding stuffs about a high touch from a familiar website. You click the link on the screen. It loaded for a few minutes and yet, you were willing to wait but almost clicking the icon which represents to go back to the recent page. Although, you were at the edge of doing it. A big picture of EXO popped up on the screen of your laptop. 

You scrolled down, hoping for interesting news about it. And there you have it. A lucky draw for some lucky fans who could join and win the said draw. There was link below it and you clicked it. 

"Hmm, let's see what we have here," you said. There's a few A&Q their and some filling doing in their. 

For some reason, you answered those things and willing to go to that high touch. And anyways; for these past few years, you wanted to go to such things.

After you finished answering and filling the questions, you clicked send. And something popped up saying; Please check your email after 2 days for the results if  you either win or not. 

You sighed and closed your laptop shut. Getting up from your bed, you tied your hair into a bun. You took your bathrobe and got inside your bathroom. You took off your clothes and removed your glasses. You turned on the shower. Hot and steamy, just how you liked it. 

Water dripping down your smooth and milky skin. You took your bathrobe, wore it and open the bathroom door. You took a big tee shirt and a pair of pants. You dried your hair off and got ready to sleep. Little did you know, you already fell into a deep sleep.


"Jagiya~ Wake up," Chen said but, he got a whine as a reply.

"Oppa! It's still early," you whined.

"But jagi~ " Chen said cutely. 

You couldn't resist his cuteness so, you sat up, still half asleep. Chen poked you on the cheek. And again and again and again. Until, you purposely widened your eyes for Chen to see that you're already awake. You smacked Chen on the arm and he pretended to be hurt.

"Awwwww~ My jagiya hit me," Chen pouted.

"Aish! It's because, you kept poking me!" you complained. "Because, you were still asleep," 

You smacked him in the arm again then stole a peck on his cheek. You noticed that he blushed at your sudden action.

"Can you still let me sleep for 30 minutes?" "NO!" "Pleaseeee~" 

"Nope," Chen said, looking qiute serious.

"Jagi," Chen called. "Hmmm?" 

Chen leaned closer to your face then caressed it. "Do you forget something?" "What is it, oppa?" 

He leaned closer, rested his forehead on yours and kis-



"What the heck!"


You slowly opened your eyes, pushing the button of the alarm clock to stop it from beeping.

"Ugh! Why do I need to wake up!" you complained. You took your specs which is laying beside your alarm clock then wear it.

That sentence kept repeating in your mind. Weird but true. It doesn't stop from repeating until, you heard the door of your room being slowly opened. It was your father.

"Good morning darling," your father smiled. "How was your sleep?" he asked.

"Oh, it's fine appa," you smiled back.

"Haha, you still call me appa?" your father chuckled.

"Yeah of course APPA!" you said.

"Aish! okay, let's go eat breakfast now." You both chuckled. 

So, that was the chapter 1 ~  Hope ya like it :)

I promise, I will do much better next time. I am just so so so so sleepy right now :'( My eyes feel so heavy.. 

But please, if you do not like it just comment and I will really try to do better :) 

Please support my story till the last chapter and I promise, you guys won't be disappointed. :))) 

Living The Reality ( EXO&BANGTAN fanfic ) HIATUS!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt