Chapter 7 : The New Person

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Bella P.O.V.
I woke up to see herobrine in my room. He had a little smile but not to huge. He came in to my room to tell something to me. He said I have to move in to Mitch's room because of some reason. I kinda wondered why I have to move to Mitch's room. Not that I am complaining that we get to share a room now. We continued talking about my powers and some other things too. Well at least I get to share a room with him now. Well now I have to eat so herobrine left my room so I could eat in silence. So I wonder when I go to Mitch's room. I think I am going to go to Mitch's room after we eat lunch together so we have the rest of the afternoon to adjust ourselves to live together.

Mitch P.O.V.

I woke up to a pigmen to say that herobrine wants to see me when I am ready. Well after he came in he had told me that Bella is going to be my new roommate that she has to move in here with me. I was shocked did herobrine know that we have feelings for each other? Then we talked a little bit about my powers. Then he left when I got my breakfast. I cleaned up a little bit because I kind of got the room a little messy. The pigmen came in to my room to bring another bed in here so she can sleep on a bed. After that I changed my room set up a little like change they put a little couch so I customized everything to better quality. Then they escort me to another room to replace the walls to obsidian to bedrock. So I was just hanging around till they were done replacing walls. I got to my room and set up a little because the pigmen must of moved some stuff around because it was a little mess up the way so they can replace the wall. then it was close to lunchtime so I just kind of hang out be myself till it was time for lunch.

Bella P.O.V.

I was about to go to lunch but then I heard someone's voice. Then walked in the room it was another girl that got kidnapped by herobrine just like us. Then we introduce each other her name was Elsa. She was taking my room. So we went to lunch to meet Mitch there kind of confused so I introduce her to him. Then we continued to talk and eat our lunches. Then we had to go back to our rooms which now I am sharing with Mitch so I was happy to share a room with home instead of the Elsa girl. She just give me the Chills. So when I got to Mitch's room it was cleaned and the walls were different it was bedrock. So we talked a lot until we heard a knock on our door and someone open it. It was herobrine to talk to us about the new rules that he had for roommates. So he left after when he said the rules for us. We talked a little more till we kissed and continued to kiss till we had to breath. Then he grabbed my back to pull me closer to him then he put one arm around my waist and one on my head. I put my arm around his neck. We continue to kiss then we went to go sit on our bed since it was together. He ask me to be his girlfriend so I said yes I would love to then my words got cut off by Mitch kissing me. Then we broke up and ate supper. Then we went to sleep I felt a hands around my waist. So I was facing him and I kiss him. Then we finally both went to asleep.

Hey guys so this is another chapter and I am going to tell you that I will set a goal for u and if you make it I will update so the goal is to get at least 5 or more votes and to have at least have one comment. So that is for this series but my other series the contest is still going on so plz comment a character in the other book so that is all and I hope you guy have a great week and PEACE OUT EVERYBODY.

Writer xoxo💋❤️💋❤️💋😋

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