1. Hello Alpha.

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Alpha of the Midnight pack, POV.

       A smell filled the night, it was a bloody and musty smell. And a bright crescent moon shined down on the forest ahead of a pack, quickly and quietly making they're way deeper into the woods. As the scent filled the nostrils of the one and only Alpha of the Midnight pack, the Alpha was put on high alert.

     'What is that smell?' The Alpha asked the Beta through mind link. The Alpha was sure it was the smell of Rouges, but it was nice to have confirmation.

     'Smells like Rouges Alpha.' The Beta responded. The Beta's wolf was parallel to the Alpha's but a few yards to the Alpha's left. The Beta's wolf was one the strongest and biggest in the pack, the other being the Alpha's.

      'That's what I thought.' The Alpha respond. They had gotten a distressed from the patrol that guarded their border's, the Alpha hoped they were okay, or at least still alive.

      The Alpha pushed forward with the best warriors in the pack, there was about 30 of them running through the woods right now. They had left the other 36 warriors guarding the pack. The Alpha had also left the third  in command with the pack, incase the border was a distraction and the real target was the pack itself. The Alpha never risked the packs safety for anything.

     The horrid smell finally got so strong, the pack knew they were nearly to the border.

     The Alpha burst though the woods first into the clearing between the two territories, with the Beta one stride behind.

      The first thing the Midnight pack saw was the Darklight pack standing in their human form, they were standing over the Midnight packs 7 patrol guards who were on their knees, hands tied behind their backs, eyes looking cold and mouth press tightly shut in a thin line. And the Beta of the Darklight pack standing as if he was expecting them.

     Of course it wasn't Rogue's. The Darklight pack surrounded 3/4ths of the Midnight pack territory. And the since this was the South side, one of the sides the Darklight pack neighbored, the rogues would have never made it anywhere near the Midnight pack territory.

     Even though protection was being given to the Midnight pack from Darklight. The Alpha didn't trust Darklight, the Alpha knew of how the Darklight Alpha treated his pack. If they weren't in a certain rank level they got treated like dirt. The Darklight pack however never had many cases of runaways or other wolves challenging the Alpha for the Alpha position. They all seemed to be scared into submission.

      The Midnight pack on the other hand was a more loving pack. The Alpha believed in running the pack with a firm but loving hand. Everyone who deserved a punishment got it. The Alpha also believed in training everyone in the pack how to fight and defend the pack. 3 times a week everyone would attend in a 4 hour training period which was mandatory for all. People who wanted to train more often was among the packs warriors.

      The Darklight pack on the other hand refused to train the "commoners" of their pack all they were good for was working the hard labor that provided the packs warriors and higher ups with their luxury.  But dispite their weak link commoners/labourers they had an impressive army it was about the size of the entire Midnight pack.

      The Midnight pack never really worried about an attack from the Darklight, since on the only side that didn't go into Darklight's territory was their allies. The Blood moon pack. The Blood pack was a pack about as big as Darklight, and with the Midnight pack combined, they could easily outnumber them.

      The Blood moon pack's Alpha was move on the violent side of things but not as bad as the Darklight. Although this Alpha didn't kill for the sake of taking more land and more wolves, he still killed Rouges and he sometimes did vengeance kills.

       The Midnight Beta went of behind a tree to shift back to his human form, while the Alpha and several other warriors stood guard standing their ground. The Alpha was staring into the Darklight's Beta's eyes, very intensely as if the eyes could give information if stared at long enough and hard enough.

      "It would be nice if you shifted so we can talk, Alpha."

      The Darklight Beta finally said. When he added in the Alpha part he almost sounded sarcastic as if, he wasn't actually standing before one.

      The Midnight Beta let out a low growl at the other Beta, warning him to respect the Alpha unless he wanted his throat ripped to shreds. 

      The Midnight Beta approched the Alpha with a cloak, and the Alpha stood on its hind legs as the Beta wrapped the cloak around the Alpha. Then the sound of bones crackling filled the air and soon a person appeared.

      "Well, Hello Alpha" The Darklight Beta said, "My name is Beta Kane of the Darklight pack."

       The wind picked up and swirled around the group, the Alpha stood before the opposing pack, black hair swirling behind and lips in a thin line of worry for the pack members before her, she spoke.

      "I'am Alpha Ella of the Midnight pack."


893 words.

Phew, guys hi Iam totally worried about this book I hope people like it. I know there's mistakes and stuff but honestly I'm trying my best. I promise.

So I don't remember all the things but, Comment, Vote? And other stuff 🤣

Also Thank you so much for reading this 💞

Luv ya guys - Lin. (:

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