"Why are you saying all this?"

"So many things have happened, Simon, and you seem all too suspicious to me to be innocent."

Sienna glared at Simon, and finally turned her back at him. But he caught her by the wrist and she looked back at his hand on her wrist, then his face.

"Please," Simon said. "Don't leave me..."

Sienna stepped closer to Simon, and looked at him. "You tell me the truth, Simon, now." she said between her teeth.

"Sienna!!" a happy voice yelled behind her. The young girl spun around and spotted MJ walking fast towards her. "We're waiting for you, what are you doing?"

"On my way," Sienna yelled back with a bright smile. She then turned to Simon. "Make a decision." She spinned on her heels, and ran towards MJ. "Sorry I made you wait!" she said loudly. "Thank you so much for getting here," she then whispered.

"No problem!" MJ smiled. "You did the right thing to send me a text."

"You told me to tell you if I was in any kind of difficult situation. You were so dead serious, I didn't want you to scold me again!" Sienna laughed.

MJ smirked, and the two of them walked to the dorm. "Do you think the danger is out now that mr Kong is dead?" MJ asked.

"I don't know..." the young girl admitted. "My chief called me earlier, telling me he was on my side, but I don't know if I should trust him or not."

"Understandable." MJ stated.

As they arrived in front of the dorm, they were surprised by Moonbin, standing against the wall, looking deep in thought. He lifted his eyes, and his face lit up as he spotted Sienna. He stepped forward.

"MJ hyung, would you mind giving us a minute?" he asked shyly.

"Not at all!" MJ smiled. He sincerely hoped the two of them would get back together. He waved at Sienna and entered the dorm. He frowned as he saw Eunwoo and Sanha looking through the window, and whispering, while Jinjin and Rocky were sitting on the couch, talking, and giving glances towards the two spies in front of them. "What's going on?" MJ asked.

Sanha turned around, excitedly, and looked at MJ, his eyes sparkling.


Moonbin scratched his head and cleared his throat, looking away. He finally sighed. "Let's walk," he said.

Sienna nodded, and they started walking, slowly and quietly, until they arrived near a bench. Moonbin made Sienna sit down, and he stayed up, facing her.

"Nina," he started.

"Wait," Sienna interrupted. "Before you say anything... I've been meaning to talk to you... MJ talked to me when we were in London, and I've spent the past month thinking about it. I've realised I made a mistake by breaking up with you. I hurt you, and I hurt myself for the wrong reasons. You were right, I was being selfish. I was scared, and I thought I could do this on my own... Turns out, I need you guys, and... you, Binnie. Especially you. I... Do you think we could give it another try?"

"No," Moonbin answered. Sienna felt her heart shatter, and her sight became blurry. "I don't want this to be a 'try'. I want this to be forever."

Sienna looked at Moonbin, surprised and unsure. "What...?"

"We've known each other for a year, and we've been through a lot, together. You're one of us, as well. You make me so happy, and you make me believe in myself. You make me complete. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happier than ever. I want to take care of you, to face trials with you, to live happy moments together. I don't want to 'try' anymore. I want to act, to make this real, and solid. So..." he said. He stepped forward, and took Sienna's hand, as he knelt on the floor. "Will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

Until Death do us Part (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now