Chapter1: Lost

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Where am I? This place is not an ordinary redwood forest that we had near our neighbourhood. It was a really thick and dangerous jungle.

I could not take it anymore. This annoying insects keep bugging me trying to bit every inch of my bare skins. I am getting itchy and uncomfortable. It is so stressful!

If I knew that I could be lost while jogging on the jogging trail at the redwood forest, I would not dare to come near it. This is all my mother's fault. If she did not insist me to lose some weight, I would not had come to this awful scary forest.

I stop myself near a small stream to have a sip. I put my backpack down under a shady tree and squat myself down beside the stream. I cup a handful of water and drink it in a hurry. The water was sweet! I never taste something like it.

The sun was scorching hot. My body became all sweaty due to non stop of walking and running before. So I look around if there is anyone in sight but I saw nothing except for some deer and birds eating and resting on the other side of the stream.

I take off my clothes and undies and soak myself down into the cold stream. It is so refreshing!

I loose of my hairband and let my waist long jet black hair wet by diving into the stream. When I risen up it was totally quiet. It was very unusual. There is no sound of birds chirping neither the sound of deer munching leaves. I turn myself around slowly, and there was a pair of red eyes watching towards me at some bushes not far from me.

I was frightened. What should I do? I cannot get myself up from the stream and run as I am naked right now. But my life is at stake. I should not care about running myself butt naked as long as I am safe from the unknown beast lurking behind those bushes. I am regretting for having so much fat on my body. I must look like a fine delicacy in the eyes of the lurking unknown beast.

I quickly take a deep breath and dive into the stream swimming as quickly as I can towards the other end of the stream's bank. When I reach on the land, I was pushed down by a large force making me land barefaced on the rough rocky banks.

"Urghhhh-- that's hurt!" I yell.

I try to get myself up but I felt that a heavy, furry, warm limbs pinning me down making me hard to breath.

"Please-- let me go--" I plea. I even cry myself out as I was so scared thinking that I would be eaten alive.

"Hey babe-- What are you doing laying down casually under that playful orang utan?"

I wavering both of my hands trying to ask for help. I could not thinking straight anymore. I was short of breath. I think I am going to suffocate. I watch a sturdy figure walk by me and reaches for my hands before I was completely black out.

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