KitKat Scares

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Lydia's butterflies plagued her once more as Sandy slithered off into the distance. They were alone now. "So-o, how are we gonna do this?" She asked BJ, trying her best to ignore them.

He tapped his scruffy purple chin. "Well," he flashed a grin then looked away, "First we need a victim." He said with a small, devious snicker. Damn his shot nerves. They had been alone together before...why was now different?! Thank God she didn't know what the purple and yellow of his hair meant. He'd told her that it indicated his emotions like a mood ring, but never which colors meant what. He shook his head at the kids scraggled around the school yard, waiting for their late parents. "Mmmmm," he hummed, using this as an opportunity to place his arm around Lydia. "Got any ideas?" He asked, cocking his head at her, "You go to school with these kids." he reminded with a smirk, "Who gets scared easily?" 

She scoffed and crossed her arms, but didn't move out of his no doubt devious reach, "The little ones, of course. I don't have to do anything and they run with fright," she explained with a cocky guffaw, "But isn't that too easy?" she glanced up to her partner in crime, arching a brow, "Maybe we should shoot for the middle schoolers.." her richly dark lips curved to match his mischievous expression,"I mean," she started with vocal notes of challenge, accusation, and flirtation, "Unless you've gone soft, that is."

 His brows furrowed, his smile contorted, his tips darkened, "Pshhh, me?" he asked with a scoff, "Going soft?" she nodded, her smirk only growing larger. 

"Yeah you," Lydia poked his nose. 

He pulled back with a shake of his head. "Ha, good one, Lidz." He crossed his arms in a pout before turning his attention back to the kids. He'd show her soft. Sure, the Maitlands, the least frightening ghost, just happened to be his friends; but that was only because they were stuck together! He puffed a bit of a pout. "How about him?" He asked with some sass, pointing to a young teenage boy,  probably thirteen, who was sitting at one of the benches playing on his phone. "Unsuspecting victims are always fun!" He laughed a little, dancing lightly in place as he grew excited.

"Sure," She cooed a wicked grin,"He's a nice warm up." She said arrogantly, excepting at the poor boy from a distance. "What are we gonna do?" she glanced down to her charcole nails in an attempt to seem uncaring, "Yell 'boo'? What should we do, oh master of fright?"

Beetlejuice shook his head at her then began tapping his chin. "I could drop something on him," He hoped to open the table for suggestions. Her little act wouldn't fool him. She definitely wanted a piece of this pie. 'Spiders, or a snake?' he thought, chuckling to himself. "It's always fun to see them run away." He snickered in excitement.

She shrugged, turning her head at the boy, "Yeah, maybe that'd work." She tapped her chin as well then huffed,"But that's so boringggg." 

"Hm, ok okay," He put his hands up in defensive dramatics. "Well, what if we offered him a treat, then traded it for a trick?" He asked, his smirk growing wicked once more. 

"Oo~," Lydia grinned at the idea, "That'd be good. What'll the trick be?" she giggled lightly at the thought, "A giant spider?" she asked with intrigue as she shuffled in her pockets, "We could offer him this." She showed a full KitKat bar from one of her hidden dress pocket.

Beetlejuice's eyes widen. "Oooo! YES!" He exclaimed, bouncing up and down like a little kid. "That sounds fun, haha," he reached into his own pocket and scrounged around for a hot minute. "...And trade it for this," he spoke, pulling out a spider so big that he needed to use both hands to hold it. 

"Yes!" Lydia laughed maniacally, "Ok, ok, ok. I'll get his attention." She said excitedly as she trotted up to the boy. He smiled at the spider it slowly crawling around in his hands then her. She tapped the thirteen year old's shoulder, "Hey kid. You want a piece of candy?' She asked as he looked up. She masked a frown as she glanced at the KitKat in her palm, "My teacher gave me this kitkat, but I hate chocolate.."

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