Chapter 19: an understanding

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"Okay!" Mai yelled as she jumped up to the high trees to search for any roaming rogue shinobi.

Her feet sent her quickly branch to branch. The harsh breeze threw  both braids back into the brisk air, a couple  cobalt blue strands coming lose.

Suddenly, Mai sensed a chakra that was not familiar to her. Rather than fear coursing through her, it was confidence that possessed her. The young ninja was ready to defend herself with all she's got.

Mai quietly stopped leaping branches, carefully hiding behind a tall thick tree stump. She slowed her breathing and grabbed a kunai from her pouch. The chakra came closer and closer towards Mai, and she knew it was almost time to charge.

"Hmmm. Seems from this immense strong chakra that a Masaki is within my presence." A raspy deep male voice spoke.

Mai furrowed her eyebrows and let out a deep breath. "Who are you and what do you want from me!" She spoke assertively.

Loud footsteps approached the tree Mai was hiding behind even closer. "You, of course. There's a ton of ninja who want you to follow them."

The Masaki scoffed. "I will always follow the leaf!"

With the sound of Mai's voice becoming louder, the rogue ninja listened carefully to the direction of her words. He stepped in front of the stump of the tree Mai was behind, turning around and resting his body onto the brown bark.

"Yes, of course. However, if you're captured then you'll be brainwashed and forced to serve my leader." The unknown man said mischievously.

Mai's eyes widened once she noticed the ninja was on the same tree as her, but on the opposite side. Her hand tightly clutched the handle of the kunai ready to strike.

Even though she carefully took one step forward, a lingering branch that was hiding beneath leaves made a snap. Mai bit her lip and mentally cursed to herself.

The moment she shot her head forward, the mysterious ninja stood right in front of her. Mai defensively held the kunai in front of her chest, pointing at the man.

He had black long silky hair that fell just below his shoulders, a pink scar displayed across his smug-looking face that started at his chin and ended at his left ear, and a dark cape which hadn't revealed the clothes underneath. His eyes were ocean blue, and yet they showed immense darkness.

Mai stumbled backwards and she hit the tree. "For your information, my sensei and teammates should be in this location in these next few minutes. Give up or you'll die."

A smirk played at his chapped lips while he forcefully shoved the young girl into the tree so the bark was harshly pressing against her.

"I'm not worried about your pathetic teammates or your Sensei. But, you on the other hand," The man swiftly took out a Kunai of his own and spun it around his finger. "My master said the target is the one to worry about."

Mai lunged forward aiming her shiny metal weapon at the enemies chest. Unfortunately, the man dodged her attack easily. He jumped back and threw his kunai trying to strike Mai in a non-vital spot.

Mai took notice of it coming for her leg, so she hopped away and the weapon pierced the tree instead of her flesh.

"A kunai battle? Come on, Masaki! Use your unique forbidden jutsu on me!" The rogue ninja taunted.

Mai's annoyance grew larger at his evil tone. "You want ice release? I'll give it to you!"

The man ran straight for the young shinobi, preparing to use taijutsu. He brought up his fist and smashed it in Mai's face, sending shockwaves of pain to pound on her cheek.

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