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There was no sound Kevin Moon hated more than that of a ringing school bell.

"Dude, lighten up. No one's gonna think you're weird or anything," a handsome boy named Eric Sohn slapped Kevin rather enthusiastically on the back.

Kevin was being practically dragged by Eric through the school doors. A few students passing by spared him a glance, likely due to his obvious i-don't-wanna-be-here face.

"I'll take you to meet the guys at lunch, and you'll be set. You don't even have to worry about making friends," Eric tried to reassure the elder, only to be met with a pained gaze.

Kevin looked Eric up and down. "You got a girlfriend, man?" he asked, out of the blue.

Eric stared at him for a second, an unreadable emotion flickering across his face.
"No... why?" he answered.

Kevin shrugged. "Just asking."

Eric only shook his head. "Whatever you're thinking, I'd stop thinking it," he began. "Most of the girls here are obsessed with that flower boy."

Kevin's thoughts came to a halt.
"Obsessed with who?" he questioned.

Eric shrugged like it was no big deal. "This one upperclassman. His name's Jacob," he began, Kevin speeding up to keep up with his pace as they walked down the halls.

"He wants to be a makeup artist or something? Anyway, he does all the girls' makeup for free, I think he runs an insta page too," Eric continued explaining. "Point is, a lot of them have a thing for him because of it."

Kevin murmured that he understood, yet felt a dull curiosity gnawing at him to ask more.

"Here's your room. Just text me if you need anything, Kev," Eric stopped at the entrance to a classroom.

"Thanks," Kevin said, watching as Eric gave a quick salute before disappearing off down the hallway.

Kevin had barely stepped into the room before being bombarded with stares and questions.

Apparently his arrival was more than enough to be considered exciting to his classmates of that period, who fought for the right to have Kevin sit next to them.

He ended up sat between two girls, both of whom he could almost physically feel staring at him. Yeah, Kevin was terrified.

"You're from Canada?" the girl on his left asked, and Kevin couldn't tell whether her tone was condescending or adoring.

"Yeah... I just got here," he said with a small awkward smile, at which more than a few people either laughed or cooed.

He chatted with the group for a while, getting used to their energy. The two girls weren't nearly as scary as they'd seemed to him at first; in fact, they were actually pretty cute.

"Girl, you're so late!" the brunette sitting next to Kevin suddenly spoke, her attention towards the classroom door.

Kevin turned around to see an adorable pigtailed girl rush through the door and over to her seat, dumping her stuff on her desk.

"Sorry!" she called back, whipping out her books at record speed in fear of being unprepared when class started.
"Jacob was taking forever to do my eyeliner this time," she spoke. A chorus of girls resounded in "ohh yeah"s and nods.

"I feel you, he took an extra ten minutes on my eyeshadow yesterday but damn if it didn't look good," a blonde girl called from over near Kevin.

Kevin couldn't help but watch intently as the group bantered back and forth.

"Um, who's Jacob?" Kevin asked out loud.
Sure, Eric had already told him, but Kevin was dying to hear their side of the story.

"Oh, he's amazing," one voice chimed in.

"He does makeup for whoever asks him to as long as we let him post the pics on his insta," another added.

"He's good as hell, I feel so damn pretty when he gets done with me," a third voice spoke.

Despite the raising of more voices in response to his question, Kevin couldn't stop that one phrase from replaying over and over again in his mind.

"I feel so damn pretty."

"What, do you guys just go up and ask for him to do it?" Kevin asked before he even thought about it.

"Yeah, he likes to set appointments though," the girl with the black pigtails chimed in. "Usually we just agree on a time and place."

Kevin's thoughts were already running wild, despite his sane side begging him to not get too far ahead of himself.

It would definitely be embarrassing as hell to ask a complete stranger, one who Kevin had never even seen before, to do something as close-up and personal as doing his makeup.

But if he did it for all these girls... why couldn't Kevin feel pretty for once, too?

While his conflicting sides battled it out, the girls chatter died down as their teacher walked in the room, signaling for everyone to be silent.

Kevin had never felt more strangely antsy in his life.

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