Chapter 12 : You're Not Sorry!

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Harry was asleep on my hand and sitting beside me on the hospital chair. Since he was asleep I had plenty of time to think and waste my time.

Memories flooded into my mind. The way mother had talked about Harry, me getting angry at her, her explanations. What if she was right? Harry had been the reason I wasted my precious time instead of studying hard. He was the reason I got mobbed by fans and so much hate. But he saved your life! I thought to myself. But he also was the one who brought me to London, he kind of knew I would come here if I had a chance. Even though what he did was under chances, he shouldn't have pretended all this time.He knew me all the while but he just say anything. He lied to me on our first kiss.

I drooped my eyes over Harry, his beautiful green eyes which had ruined my life were hidden under those eyelids like him. His pink lips which had been scarred over mine. His cute face which had flipped my world around. I knew what I had to do now. Mum was right.

Harry was the reason for all of this, I have to catch up with life and I didn't know how I'd do it but I knew that I certainly couldn't if I remained with him. I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life, I didn't know it but I thought it was the right call.

I didn't know how to do it. I felt for his curls for the last time.  They were sweaty but I didn't care. I slowly moved it to his face. His green eyes slowly opened but when they saw me they elluminated with surprise and joy. "Doctor! Doctor! Nurse!" he shouted for somebody to come. A man with a bald head and spectacles motioned in.  "I see you're awake. Didn't expect that though.'' the doctor said and Harry stared at him with bloodshot eyes. The doctor ignored him and stepped towards me. He checked me, the machines, my drips and noted a few things.

"Well... you have made a miracle recovery. Your boyfriend here has been worried sick for you and I guess in a week, you'd be good to go." He exclaimed and left me to Harry. Now this is going to be harder then anything!

"I love you Nicole, please don't do this to me again.'' He mumbled. Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought of what I was to do now.. "What happened? Does it hurt? I'll do anything, just say the word.'' The tears stung now as he said those words with alarm coursing like blood. For a second I thought of letting it go but I had to. "I- I'm so-rry H-ar-ry b-but I can-not d-do this anymore. I guess our relation w-won't work." I stammered. He looked at me as if I were joking but then his face shifted to the intense face. Tears started to well, I closed my eyes afraid to see his tears fall and his reaction. When I didn't hear anything, I peeked through my eyes. He was wiping away the tears and when I opened my eyes, he just nodded. There it was... Our epic ending.

Over the few days all the boys along with the girls visited often. But Harry's didn't appear for as much and whenever he would. He would just look at me silently and then just leave. He usually ignored me and it hurt sometimes.

It was my time to leave the hospital and two days before One Direction left for tour. Lou, Niall, El and Liam was there with me that day but not Harry. I thought he got over it and probably was chilling somewhere. That feeling tinged my heart but I didn't pay much attention to it. They took to my apartment where we had a few drinks. Soon they all left. I took my chance and opened up my laptop to check any news feed. There was nothing very eye-catching but when I opened twitter, massive amount of haters had tweeted again, some had pictures with my head cut off. All the tweets from the week now broke over me and I was crushed under its weight.

I couldn't take it and I had nowhere in London to go to. I went over to my cupboard, pulled out a suitcase and packed away all the stuff required for a few. I called for airline bookings and booked one for Toronto. My flight left in 4 hours. I just needed to get away from all this, from the hate, college, One direction and Harry. I didn't tell anyone about my departure.

When it was time, I flew away. I waved at the London which had changed my life, I waved at my memories which might not replay again even if I came back.

When I reached home, my parents were quite surprised. I told them about my feelings. They were furious for my actions but at the end of day, they welcomed me. It was night time and I was pretty tired. I went to my bedroom and lay on the bed for few minutes and soon fell asleep.

I woke up after what seemed like an hour or so by the ringing of my phone. I couldn't figure who was the caller through my groggy eyes. "Hello...'' I mumbled through my half-sleeping posture.

"Nicole" A deep British voice spoke through the phone. I froze and my eyes flew open ith all the sleep gone...

Hey... sorry for being late. And don't worry about the situation, it will get better... just keep reading because thats not coming tomorrow. Enjoy!


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