Ten Reasons To Love Draco Malfoy

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Warning: Complete and utter randomness lies ahead, along with a sexy blonde, gorgeous bat, creepy pedophiliac Dark lord (is pedophiliac a word?) and more random things.

Ten Reasons To Love Draco Malfoy

1) He's sexy as hell

2) He's a rich pureblood

3) He's even sexier than Gilderoy Lockhart

4) He's in Slytherin, the best House there is

5) He's afraid of nothing...except Voldemort (understandably), the Forbidden forest, hippogriffs, Hagrid's "pets", spiders, vampires, overly large shadows, that creepy girl from Hufflepuff that has a crush on him...nope. Afraid of nothing.

6) He's got a sexy scar on his chest, courtesy of Potter

7) Did I mention he's sexy as hell?

8) He likes long walks on the beach and watching the sunset

9) He has a nose, unlike a certain Dark lord

10) He is utterly and completely awesome...and sexy


So...that's what you get when I'm bored and in a random mood. My pathetic attempt at humor. I had a bunch of lists like these running through my head...next up? Ten reasons to love Severus Snape.

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