"Friends?" I asked suspiciously. "I thought you liked him more than that?"

Ray looked defeated, "Well yeah, but I mean, I guess I just don't have the guts that you do to do anything about it..."

And with that he shut the door without another word.

I frowned. I felt bad for him. I'd do something about his situation though. Mikey wouldn't be able to find anyone nearly as great as Ray for a boyfriend, so I'd make sure to get them together sometime soon. They did help me after all.

The rest of the day I spent doing my homework. Well, at least trying to. I already wasn't the best at staying focused on my work, especially considering I'd rather be doing anything else. But today I had more of a reason to be distracted. I was constantly checking and refreshing my phone in hopes that an email from my teacher would suddenly pop up. He had promised me he would send me some details about hanging out later in the day. Whether that was a date, or just to talk, I wasn't sure, but the anxiety it was causing me was driving me crazy.

By the time I actually managed to finish my homework, including the assignment from Prof. Way's class, I still hadn't heard any sign of him. Without any classes to attend that day, I found myself sitting around bored. Ray had taken off to do who knows what, so I was all alone just spinning in circles in my desk chair for a while. That is- until I finally saw my phone light up.

I don't think I've ever grabbed my phone as fast as I did in that moment. I was so excited until I realized it was just a stupid "storage full" notification. 

"Damn it..." I sighed, putting it back down.

I glanced over at the time. It was almost 8pm, and I still hadn't heard anything. Not to mention I was starving. Ray had been kind enough to toss a granola bar my way earlier on, but I hadn't gotten anything else to eat since then.

I looked at the clock again. Maybe I could grab a quick bite to eat at the cafeteria close by. I grabbed my hoodie and threw on some shoes, making a run for it to make sure I didn't waste any time.

I didn't even realize that I had left my phone behind on my desk...

After making it to the cafeteria, practically sprinting the whole way there, I quickly bought a pre-made sandwich and ended up eating it all on my way back to the dorm. That's when I decided to check my phone again. However, after reaching into my jean pocket that I usually put it in, I quickly discovered my problem.

"Shit!" I panicked, checking the rest of my pockets in case I had misplaced it. It wasn't there... it had been like 20 minutes. I had to get back!

So off I went, running across campus again like a lunatic to make it back to my dorm faster. By the time I got there I threw open the door and picked up my phone to of course find the one thing I had been waiting for all day.

Opening up the email from Professor Way, it read:

"Mr. Iero, 

I'd love to see you again tonight. I finish teaching for the day at 7:00pm, so if you'd like to spend some time together, meet me in the south parking lot after then. 

-Prof. Way"

He finished teaching at 7pm? It was past 8 now. I had just got the notification, so I found it a bit strange that he would wait so long to meet up...or say anything for that matter.

That's when I realized...he had sent the email at 6pm! My lousy dorm room WiFi caused me to get the email way later than I should have! He was probably gone now. Surely he wouldn't have waited around a parking lot for over an hour... he probably thought I blew him off.

Just then, I heard a knock at my open dorm room door. I spun around, thinking it may have been Ray returning, only to find that it was Professor Way... with a book over his face?

"Professor?" I enthused.

"Shhhh, just call me Gerard while we're in here," he said, closing the door behind him and putting the book down.

I blushed, "Okay Gerard... Look, I'm really sorry for not meeting up with you. I had been checking my phone, but I just got the email and- Why are you here anyway?"

He chuckled, approaching me, "Well, I didn't receive an answer from you, so I wasn't sure if the damn thing even sent, but I decided to stop by just to double check. I was going to ask you to come over to my house".

"Really...?" I asked, remembering the conversation I had overheard ages ago between him and Mikey. He had previously thought the idea was ridiculous... and had friend-zoned me...

"Well sure," he shrugged. "I figured it's probably a little more private than the dorms, and I can actually leave through a door if I accidentally oversleep".

"Wait you want me to stay the night?" I bit back my smile.

I could tell Prof. Way was growing nervous, "If that's alright with you... I don't want it to be awkward or anything, but I figured since I already slept in your bed last night, it wouldn't be that big of a deal".

I threw my arms around him, burying my face in his chest, "I would love to".

I heard him gasp from surprise, but regardless, he hugged me back gently. That's when I remembered Ray's lecture of sorts about coming off too strong. I pulled away shortly after, not wanting to seem "obsessive".

"So uh, lead the way." I smiled, motioning towards the door. 

After covering his face with the book again and throwing on a jacket I offered to hide his teaching clothes, we snuck out of the dorm and made our way to the parking lot. I couldn't wait for what was in store for us tonight. 


(A/N:) So, funny story. I thought I already published this chapter well over a month ago, but apparently I didn't... ha ha... So sorry it's been a while since I've given you all an update! I hope you enjoyed this one nonetheless though. 

-Sin Sin who belongs in the trash bin 

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