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It was night time and it was snowing heavily. Emma sat on the backseat, looking up from her phone to catch a glimpse of her parents from time to time. She was just a small-town girl, livin' in a lonely world and she wanted to take the midnight train goin' anywhere but her parents refused cause she was only 19. "If only something bad happened to my parents so it can start a chain of dramatic events that will eventually end in me finding a lover that will hopefully spawn off two unnecessary sequels that add no relevant information or lore to this story," she told herself as she continued listening to BTS' new single "우리는 아메리카노를하지 않는다." Emma smiled to herself as she watched all seven Korean lookalikes dance in sync in a sexy and suggestive manner while continuously repeating the words "fakeku love."

"Hey Emma, I'm deciding to put your mom, you and I in danger by looking back at you while driving the car during a snowstorm in the night time. How are you doing my quiet princess?" Emma's dad said as he turned his head away from the road to look at Emma. "Hahaha, oh Harold, silly Harold. Can you please focus on the road honey?" Emma's mom said, laughing at the situation. Emma tried ignoring the two. She just wanted to listen to more KPOP while reading fanfics about how all seven of the BTS members suddenly fell in love with her. The laughing from Emma's mom was not stopping and it was starting to really bother Emma. "Mom, could you shut the fuc-" and then bang! Emma's sentence was interrupted by the sound of their car crashing into a tree. Everything was happening so fast for Emma.

Her mother, father and herself were violently shaken as the car struck a tree made out of wood. "What, what's happening dad..?!" She yelled out. No response. Eventually, the shaking stopped and everything seemed fine until a huge truck came out from the corner of the road and accidentally hit the car. That was when it went black for Emma and she later woke up in the hospital with little to no recollection of what happened in that snowstorm. Her vision and sense of hearing were groggy but it was just enough for her to make out a nurse and her grandmother talking, with the nurse telling the grandmother to not tell her about the incident in fear of making Emma pass out again.

"Gr-grandma...what happened...?" Emma asks weakly, as the heart rate monitor kept on doing that beeping sound that makes a long "beeeeeeep" when the patient dies or something. The nurse and the grandma both looked at each other with a worried expression before the nurse excuses herself and leaves the room. Emma didn't know what to think about the situation. She only knew that she was tired, hungry and hurt. Her grandma slowly walked up to her with the aid of her cane and she eventually sat down next to Emma's bed. Emma never kept her vision away from her grandma as she waited for an answer to her question. "Your parents died Emma." Her grandma said nonchalantly. "What?" Emma asked in fear, the beeping coming from the heart rate monitor thing starting to beep more. "I said your parents died you deaf dumbass." Her grandma responded again.

Emma's heartrate kept on increasing. She was panicking, not knowing what to do. "I don't wanna live with grandma, her place smells." She kept repeating on her head. "No wait, my parents are dead, uuuggghhhhh" she then remembered. The heart rate beeping monitor was beeping so fast that it attracted the attention of a passing doctor, then a nurse, then a cat, then Obama and a ton of other people were passing her room. "Nurse, get the sterilizer!" The doctor said as he took off his glasses using one hand to make himself look dramatic. "Right away Doctor!" The nurse said, doing her best to push herself through the crowd of people who were watching Emma panic. "Ya know what, screw this," the doctor said, as he pulled out a baseball bat from his lab coat. "W-wait, what are you gonna do with that?" Emma asked, clearly terrified. "Just wait and see..." the doctor said, as he lifted the bat above himself. Emma closed her eyes, as the doctor brought the bat down to her face. 

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