Humanitys Hope

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I must be dreaming, please wake up from this nightmare.

I closed my eyes, shut. I opened them and it wasn't a dream. There was a head looking over the wall. Me and my brother Chris had fear in our eyes. Eren and the others too. We saw as the bottom piece of the wall, flew across the district. The 1st gate was destroyed. In the distance, we saw Titans looking over at us weak humans. Everyone panicked and was screaming in terror. Please be a dream, please be a dream. I knew it wasn't a dream after my brother started calling me to go get mom with Eren and Mikasa. The four of us ran to the Yeager' house, we saw their house crushed by the rock that was in the wall. "MOM!!!!" I yelled in fear, the four of us ran to them, erens mom was still alive, but there was no trace of my mother. "W-where's our mom?" My brother stuttered, Mrs. Yeager looked away, as she was disappointed at herself.

Our mother was dead under the rock.

I couldn't believe it, I felt like I was gonna pass out, "CAN YOU TWO PLEASE HELP MY MOM!!" Eren yelled at us while he was crying. Me and my brother came over and tried getting her out but it was too heavy. "CHRIS, Y/N, EREN, MIKASA GO SAVE YOURSELF LEAVE ME!" Mrs. Yeager said with tears in her eyes. My brother stared at me and he nodded, "W-where are you goi-going Chris?" Eren said while still trying to get his mom out. "Eren, we can't lift this up, the four of us tried." As my brother said while picking me up in a bridal way. "BIG BROTHER WE NEED TO HELP THEM STILL!" I yelled at my brother. "Y/N WE ALREADY TRIED THERES NOTHING WE CAN DO!" Mrs. Yeager looked at my brother and I, she nodded at us to go. My brother started running with me in a bridal style. I had tears in my eyes as I knew now. My mom was dead. We headed for the docks and, we got on a boat. We were headed towards Wall Rose, Our home and district. Me and my brother were last to board. We saw armin and his grandpa get on to the next boat, Armin waved at us. "Y/n! Chris! Wait for me there!" Armin shouted. My brother nodded at Armin.
Time has passed. And I was alive. I wake up to my brother shaking me to wake up since we were almost there. I looked behind the boat and saw the last boat to board on While at Wall Maria, Armin was the only one you knew that made it safely. You got off the boat while it parked. You and your brother waited for the others. 20 minutes go by and armin  Mikasa, and Eren got off. You ran up to Eren while he looked sad, he gave him a tight hug. "I'm sorr-sorry I couldn't save y-your m-mom.." you said while you were filled with tears. Eren patted you on the head, you looked up and his face turned into a smile. You cried more, as you were sorry for Eren.
"We have each other now Y/'s gonna be ok..."

Stuck With YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon