Wall Maria

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I was sitting in a blank dark room, Nothing but myself. I hear voices calling for me and there was a door that appeared in front of me. It kept calling for me. I walked towards the door. "Y/n...Y/n........Y/N!!!!!".

I wake up to my older brother screaming in my face to get up. He was 1 year older than me. "Cmon y/n! We are gonna visit Eren and Mikasa today at wall Maria!" I rolled myself on the floor, as I make a thud. My brother Chris helps me up and we start walking downstairs. "Good morning sleepy heads." My mother said in a soothing voice. "Morning mum." I said tired. "So, is dad coming with us to wall Maria?" I asked mother. "Unfortunately, no daddy has work today, you know he works for the government y/n." I remember that my father had to spend a lot of time in wall Sina, "Oh ok..." I said with a frown.

~~~~~ Time skip ~~~~~

Me and my mother and brother were in a carriage going to Wall Maria. My family is pretty wealthy. We could live in Wall Sina but Wall rose was fine for us. As we were riding in the carriage, I saw the military. I didn't really pay attention to the military when I was in school, so I don't really know anything about them or what they do for us. But the only thing I know is that the commander of the scouts is Commander Erwin Smith, and the commander for the garrison regiment was Commander Pixis. Me and my brother are interested in joining the scouts but my mother refuses to let us be in the training. The thing is, I really want to be a scout or a garrison soldier, I don't want to be a house wife just like my mother. Yeah sure she is fine with that life, but I'm not. I want adventure, something that is interesting. As I was pondering with my future, my brother asked me something. "Hey y/n, do you have a crush on anyone at school yet?" I looked at my big brother confused. Crush? Why would I crush someone? "Crush?" I said with my confused eyes. "Oh yeah I forgot, your dense and oblivious." My brother mocked me. "H-Hey! What does that supposed to mean?!" I said with anger in my voice. "Chris. Treat your sister with respect." "Sorry, mom..But it's true!" My brother exclaimed, "You didn't teach y/n what love evens means mom!" I tuned out their argument. We were a few feet to arriving at Wall Maria. 5 minutes passed and we got out of the carriage. My mother won the argument that her and my brother had. We were walking to the Yeager's house, we arrived. My mother knocked on the door.

"Coming!" Mrs. Yeager said behind the door. She opened the door and gave my mom a big hug. "I'm so glad you guys came today!" Mrs. Yeager said smiling. "Well we had nothing to do this weekend so why not visit an old friend." My mother said smiling. "Come in!" Mrs. Yeager said. We walked in their house and me and my brother sat at the dinning table with my mom. "Where's Eren and Mikasa?" My brother Chris asked. "Eren and Mikasa went out to get wood and sticks for us." Mrs. Yeager smiled. "So how's medical school going for ya y/n?" Mrs. Yeager asked. "It's going great I think." I said with a bright smile on my face. "I signed Chris and y/n for fighting classes so they can defend themselves, so far they been doing great." My mother added in when she drank her tea when Mrs. Yeager gave it to her. "Oh! How long have they've been in that class?" "5 months." My mother said. "Wow, that's wonderful!" Said with a smile on her face. My mom and Mrs. Yeager we're having a conversation while me and my brother were messing with each other. To be honest, me and my brother are not that mature, we are pretty much dorks. A few minutes passed and we heard someone open the basement door. "Hey honey!" Mrs. Yeager said, It was Mr. Yeager. "Ah, long time no see, Mia." Mr. Yeager said. Mia was my mother's name, my mom knew Mr. Yeager when they were working together, Mr. Yeager and my mom were pretty close. Mr. Yeager told my mom secrets about him, Not even his wife knew about Mr. Yeagers secrets. "Hey Grisha." My mom said in a joyful tone. Mr. Yeager sat at the end of the table reading a newspaper, while my mom and Mrs. Yeager we're having a conversation. Mr. Yeager asked me and my brother questions.

"So Y/n, you have been doing fighting classes I hear?" I nod in response. He looked at me and studied my eyes. "Y/n would you please come with me in my basement?" My brother got angry at this since me and my brother go everywhere with each other, "Hey! If she goes I go!" My brother exclaimed, as he made sure I was safe. Mr. Yeager looked at my brother and sighed, he looked at my brothers eyes, and nodded. Mr. Yeager took me and my brother to the basement. My mom didn't mind Mr. Yeager taking me and my brother to the basement.

Once we were in, me and my brother looked around. Mr. Yeager locked the door. We both turned at the clicked noise. "Do you trust me." Mr Yeager said in a serious tone. He gave me and my brother a death stare. I gulped in fear, and as for my brother he stepped in front of me protecting me. "That depends old man, what are you going to do with u-"  "I can make you guys and my son save humanity." He said. Me and my brother looked at him with wide scared eyes. Save humanity? I thought to myself, me and my brother looked at each other. "It was only supposed to be y/n and my son, but I guess I have some for you Chris." Mr. Yeager explained when he didn't make sense. I walked up to Mr. Yeager.
"Mr. Yeager."
"Yes, Y/n?"
"I trust you."

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