"Why so scared Ellie?" He said chuckling then acted serious directly after that.

When he gave that little chuckle, I understood everything. He is trying to repeat that day but in another way.
His chuckle was so cute to be honest..

He was too close to me and I felt my heart beating fast. I forgot about his warning and bit my lip again.

"What did I say? Don't bite your lip or else.. you know what"

I released my lip again looking at his eyes deeply. He looked at my eyes deeply too while slowly starting to put my hands down but still holding them.

He looked down and smiled, then I felt a pinch on my wrist.

My eyes widened and Jimin looked up while starting to laugh. "You ugly shit! I wanna move!"

He got off me still laughing. "I can't! It'll help you sleep anyway. And you'll try your special power. Last time you succeed a little. I think you got it a minute less or something, I don't remember. But we'll see now! I'll put a 20 minutes timer" he said opening his phone.

I rolled my eyes "Well I have to agree since I have no other choice".

"Yep!" He said. "It'll be fun having you as my roommate" he said chuckling.

I pouted "Sleep!".

"Not until I see your new record" He said.

I rolled my eyes. Okay Ellie concentrate!


Minutes went by which felt like an hour and I gained my energy back.

"Finally! I can move!"

Jimin looked at me "Seriously?" He said in a shocked voice.


"It's only been 13 minutes. Your should have been frozen for 7 minutes more" he said.

"I'm superhuman" I said flipping my hair.

"I mean you're not wrong" he said.

"Anyways time to sleep" I said and got up to build a pillow wall.

"Yeah.. and Ellie"

I looked at him "yeah?"

"Hide your bracelet from Zack" he whispered. Oh right.

I looked at my arm and I was wearing Jimin's hoodie that had long sleeves so it covered my bracelet.

"Keep wearing my hoodie. It'll help you hide it"

I nodded. "Alright sleep now" I said and layed down.

He layed down too. Holy shit I'm laying next to Jimin. I always overthink when I lay next to him. Always? This is the second time. Why didn't I share rooms with Beomgyu. At least we used to sleep in the same room when we were kids. Jungkook and Jimin knows each other well while Jungkook and Beomgyu don't.

"Cause you're the targeted person and I know the most. Now sleep"

I should stop thinking and sleep.


I woke up the next day and went to work. I walked with Zack to the shop cause I didn't know the way. Zack was really nice and made breakfast for all of us in the morning. I really appreciate it.. but he still was a jerk yesterday. He also gave us the house key so that we can enter when we come back.

He helped me with the work so I can start working like others and know what to do.

He was gonna go home early today so he told me that I can go home with him since it's my first day. I agreed and we went home together at around 1pm.

I didn't dare to say a thing unless he asked or if I had a question about work.

"How did you feel about working in my shop?" He asked.

"Normal. Like any other job" I said and shut up after that.

"Did you like it?" He asked.

"I mean it's a job and not my favorite hobby so I can't say like"

"Then what's your favorite hobby?" He asked. When will he stop asking me?!

"I don't know!" I lied.

"You don't know?"

"Nope! What's yours?" I asked hoping he'll talk and leave me alone.

"Having my own shop" he said. Well that wasn't long.

We finally arrived to his house and entered. As I thought, no one was home.

"No one's home" he said and I nodded.

He lifted me up and put me on the couch then hovered above me. My eyes widened. What is he doing?!?!

"Let's have some fun sha'll we?"

Mr. DemonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora