Chapter 3.2

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Jamie's pov

There was one suggestion.

I convinced Terrain to let him go he could do it.

Now we were waiting in the dark. We has let the policemen go and now they sat in their cars watching me sit in the dirt. Terrain stood.

I was extremely bored so I named him. He hasn't objected.

My phone kept vibrating in my backpack but I ignored it. My parents were going to kill me. What if it was Sierra? I scrambled for my phone. I really don't need her popping in right now.

It was just my parents thank goodness. I sighed.

I heard squealing tires. I stood up quickly. It was the police officer. With my dad in the passenger seat. He had mentioned working with police on a case. He hadn't mentioned that the case involved superhumans. As soon as he saw me he sighed and shook his head ever so slightly.

It scared me how he might know it was me. Then again what other teenage boy flys around on bird wings?

He gestured at me.

"Get in the car."

If anyone was suprised they said nothing. I took a step and found Terrain's hand wrapped around my arm.

His gaze betrayed fear and worry.


We were trapped.

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