"You look like an angel." Pat said just above a whisper.

I turned around too look in the mirror again. I looked over every detail of the dress. Just when I looked up I saw my mom in the mirror. She gave me a watery smile and I turned around. As I turned to face the room again she was gone. I felt my chest deflate and I looked at Michelle.

"I'll take it." I said.

Nikki helped me out of the dress and Michelle got it package up in a garment bag. With a pair of heals I won't need the dress to be tailored so I'm taking it home with me now. Well I'm going to leave the dress at Pat's house because I don't want Thea to see it.

After we were done shopping we went to have a late lunch in Boston before returning home. When we got back to my house Thea was home from work to my surprise. This week was the first week that Thea was cleared to return to desk work only. She is making a lot of progress and her doctors are really impressed at how quickly she has recovered. Thea probably could be cleared for active duty again before the wedding but she thought it would be best just to stay sidelined until after the honeymoon. If she went back to work full time right now it would be dumb because she just started to take two weeks off again.

"How'd it go?" Thea asked as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Good, found my dress, Pat is walking me down the aisle and Alyssa and Nikki are now my bridesmaids." I said and smiled.

"Sounds like you had a productive day so far." Thea said started playing with the baby hairs at the base of my neck.

"It was a good day and now it's even better now that you are home." I said and leaned in to give Thea a kiss.

"Ew seriously, every time I come around a corner of this house you guys are always making out." Nikki said and brushed past Thea and I to make her way into the kitchen.

"Sorry Nikki." Thea said as I put my head down in Thea's neck.

"Don't bother apologizing because it's going to keep happening." I said in Thea's ear.

"Thea did you pick your bridesmaids yet?" Nikki asked and came back into the living room.

"Yea, I asked Lindsey and Malia when we went dress shopping last week." Thea said as she started to sway us back and forth as Stop Draggin' My Heart Around started to play on the record player.

"Are you guys going to make us wear ridiculous bridesmaids dresses?" Nikki asked and layed out on the couch with her guitar as Alyssa went upstairs.

"Maybe." Thea and I said at the same time and giggled.

Nikki didn't say anything else as Thea and I gently swayed to the end of the song. After the song ended Thea broke apart from me and turned the record off and put it away. Nikki continued playing random cords and it peaked my interest. I recorded her for a few minutes before she stopped playing.

"What was that Nikki?" I asked as Thea took a seat on the couch.

"Nothing just a random thought." She said and sat up on the couch.

"I think I have an idea." I said and nodded to go upstairs. Nikki hopped off the couch and went upstairs as I leaned over the couch to give Thea a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm going to go work for a little if you need me okay." I said.

"I saw that look in your eye when Nikki was playing, go babe." Thea said and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

When I got upstairs Nikki was already sitting in front of the computer starting up a new file and I picked up a guitar. Once Nikki got it set up she started showing me what she was playing and after a few minutes I had it down. I had Nikki continue as I put my guitar down and started to construct a beat over it. I didn't have an idea yet for lyrics but it will come.

I saved the file and took a look at the new whiteboard I have hanging on the wall. After I finished Alone in a Room I didn't want to erase the board so I just bought a new one. So far I only have one song done for the album. I don't know how many songs this one is going to be yet. I don't think it's going to be another15 though. That was a lot for the last album this one I doubt will be this long. I still have a lot of work to do on this album but the songs will come. I have a few practically written already it's just developing them into complete songs.

As I listened to the beat for a few more minutes I wrote the word You on the top of the whiteboard and sat back to look at it for a moment.

"Album name?" Nikki asked looking up from her phone.

"Maybe." I said and flipped to a new page in my notebook and wrote a lyric that started to get stuck in my head. You're the sun to the moon, you're my ocean painted blue, you, I'm nothing without you, (Without you, without you).

a/n: stop draggin my heart around by Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty is the song on the side. It's what Thea and Ash were listening to while they were dancing around the living room.

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