Chapter Three: Friends

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A few minutes before...

Sylnan coughed out a breath, his body was filled with pain. His head was burning with a headache, the hand that had cushioned his fall felt like it was on fire. With all the fiery pain down his side, something was definitely wrong with him. He sucked in a breath, pushing himself up with his good hand. Sylnan still didn't dare try and pull out the dagger lodged in his gut.

He couldn't bleed out now. Sylnan winced, holding himself against a wall. He needed Vel to heal him.

"Shit..." He whispered, the word hurt his throat. A collection of salty tears fell from his face, getting in his wounds. He couldn't ask Vel, not right now. Sylnan turned his head to the empty window above him. Br'aad was already turning them against him. If he could get Vel, Taxi, or Mountain away from Br'aad he might have a chance.

But he was in no shape to do anything right now, not with the amount of blood on him. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to focus on getting somewhere. He took a few shaky steps down the alley between buildings, eventually getting to the street on the other side.

The half-elf scanned the shops and street. At least one person out here would know healing magic and be able to help him.

He draped himself on the front of the shop on the other side of the inn, sinking to the ground. Some eyes looked away and continued their walks, but one eye that noticed him was familiar. It was that mushroom doctor that had helped Redd what felt like forever ago.

He flinched, suddenly very aware of the pain across his body. The doctor quickly moved his way towards Sylnan.

"What happened to you?" The doctor whispered as he retrieved a small read mushroom creature from his pocket.

"Oh nothing much." A cough caught at his throat.

Octavius dropped the little mushroom creature onto the floor by his side. The mushroom climbed up onto Sylnan, releasing fumes that lessened a pain a bit.

"Now, for the dagger," The doctor mumbled, with a swift motion, he pulled the dagger from Sylnan's gut. Sylnan sucked in a breath. Another mushroom waddled over to heal the wound. "Good thing you kept that in, you could have bled out had I not been here."

"Yeah, thanks." Sylnan managed, still hissing at the pain.

Octavius, grabbed his bad arm, gently pulling him to his feet. "So tell me, what happened to you?"

"I got stabbed then thrown out of a building." He really didn't feel like elaborating.

"Why didn't you ask that tiefling cleric of yours to heal you?"

"It's... complicated." It really wasn't. Br'aad had done something to Hilltree, Sylnan hoping it was nothing more than a kidnapping. Though, he wouldn't put it past Ob'nockshai to convince Br'aad to kill him. He squeezed his eyes shut pretending nothing was wrong for a second. That Br'aad was still his brother, that Hilltree was alright, and that the Fated were all five.
"Hm. Well, it seems we've reached the tavern I'm currently working inside of. This way." He led Sylnan through the doors and into a chair. He released a few more mushroom men. "Take a deep breath in. They can't heal you fully, but they'll heal you enough to walk."

"And fight?"

"Give it a few days, you'll need rest. Maybe some of your friends can tend to you?--"


Octavius gave a sigh. "What actually happened? I've gathered that someone in The Fated threw you through a window and stabbed you. Who was it and why?"

Sylnan dumped his head in his non injured hand, he took in a breath. The mushroom's healing spores coursed through his blood. He gave a small twitched as the pain of healing ran up and down his bones. He hissed as it tickled across his skin. He felt a heavy sensation that felt like a fizz ran up his body as most of the pain disappeared as his skin and bones healed best they could.

"Oh, wow, thank you." Sylnan adjusted himself in his seat, feeling a bit dizzy. He bit his lip, hoping to avoid the question the healer had posed.
"Now you owe me an answer."

Sylnan stared up at Octavius. "Answer what?"

The doctor stared at him. And stared. Sylnan had to look away. "It was Br'aad. He's possessed or something. He f-framed me. For murder. For the murder of Hilltree."

"Your goblin friend?"

Sylnan nodded reluctantly, he felt tears poking at his eyes. He pulled his mouth into a tight smile.

"Well, I'm sorry for your loss."

"I don't think he's dead. Br'aad wouldn't have done that. He probably just hid him somewhere." He gave a dry laugh, trying to keep his voice from shaking.

"Either way, if you're going to convince your friends to see Br'aad as an enemy or fight him at all, you'll need some rest." The doctor gestured for him to stand. Carefully, Sylnan staggered to his feet. His side was still sore as he followed Octavius with a limp. "I'm currently renting a room for myself in this tavern's sister inn." They walked outside. Sylnan almost tripped and fell onto the gravel as his stiff leg caught on a larger rock, though the doctor didn't seem to be paying attention.

As they reached the doorway Octavius twisted to look at Sylnan with a halt. "What?" Sylnan muttered, his brow furrowed.

"I will rent you a room under one condition." Sylnan grabbed onto a large flower pot outside the building to keep himself steady as his leg felt too weak. "You need to get a good night's rest so all my work doesn't go to waste."

"Ugh, fine." Sylnan grumbled out, pushing off the flower pot and through the doors and the doctor gave a curt nod and walked to the desk.

"One more room, please." Octavius gave a kind smile to the woman working the reception. The room was

"Uh, one gold piece per night again, sir." The woman replayed, shifting a weary eye to Sylnan's bloodied appearance.

Octivious gave the woman a gold piece, taking the key from her hand. He leaned in close to Sylnan as he limped his way towards the rooms. "You should probably bathe some of that blood off."

"Sorry, I've been a little busy almost bleeding out. Oh, by the way, what are you even doing here?"

"I travel." He shrugged. He dropped the keys into Sylnan's palms. "Room twelve. Go get some sleep."

Sylnan sighed, finding his way to his room. As he unlocked the door, exhaustion hit him. He really did need sleep. He shoved and locked the door behind him.

The dried blood stuck to his skin as he peeled off his clothes. He needed to wash all of this for sure. Of course, the side he had fallen on was all torn up along with a stab wound. There was no saving these clothes, Sylnan needed a new pair. It wasn't like he had the time or money to do such a thing. He needed to help Br'aad.

A yawn escaped him. He needed sleep first.

He flopped down onto the reasonably clean sheets. The four walls and ceilings of white where his only company as he drifted off to sleep.

Dear BrotherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang