2.29 SBAT - Weapon Talent

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The fairy led Flora to another dome. Without Flora's input, she changed the time dilation. Flora assumed that she had figured out that Flora was slow, and if she wanted to clock off anywhere near her regular hours, she should better provide the overzealous engineer with extra time.

The oblong room had a white line crossing the small side near the entry. A training dummy stood on the line and others at 5 meters, 15 meters, 30 meters, and 50 meters away.


Weapon Aptitude Test

The weapon test has four phases per weapon:

1. Free Trial: You may try out the weapon on an unresisting dummy(1 minute)

2. Mannequin-Routine: You may receive a one minute long instruction via a kin-route

3. Free Trial 2: You may try out the weapon on an unresisting dummy(1 minute)

4. Live Test: I'll generate a target for you

First, I will provide you with weapons you have used before, then some you showed interest in the multiple-choice test and fitting to your primary attributes, and at last, you may wish for any weapon you want.

Please, don't use skills.

You may skip or repeat any phase or weapon.


Flora rubbed her hands. "I'm ready."


Hand-to-Hand – Free Trial


Nothing happened. Nothing changed. Hence Flora shrugged her shoulders and punched the dummy. Then she did some Wing Chun chain punches, some elbow action, kicks, and more chain punches.

"One minute can be quite long when you have no goal." Flora mused.

Finally, a pedestal with a kin-route appeared accompanied by another message.


Hand-to-Hand – Mannequin Routine


Flora touched the little statue of a fighter in a boxing pose. Inside the routine, the body performed a one-two jab combo on a sand-sack and then some kicks. If Flora had to guess, she would bet on experiencing a kick-boxer.


Hand-to-Hand – Free Trial 2


Flora reenacted some of the movements she just learned and remembered, but skipped the rest.


Hand-to-Hand – Fight


A blue bipedal, shaggy monster appeared in front of Flora.

"Woa!" She jumped back. "They really love the pastel colors. Minty slimes, a fluffy pink smasher and now a baby blue colored bigfoot."

The monster didn't appreciate Flora's analysis and swung at her. Flora ducked under it and chain-punched his side. Its other arm rocked towards her, and she trapped it and hit its muzzle.

After a fourth hit, the bigfoot screamed and stumbled back while protecting its head with its arms.

Because Flora was slow at following the monster, it used the distance and kicked at her. It telegraphed all its moves, and Flora had no problems catching the leg and elbowing the kneecap.

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