Why are the Mean Girls SLUTS?

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Isabella glared at Brittany as she walked down the hallway, in high heels and her short Gucci dress. Brittany tossed her golden curls from her shoulders and stopped at the nearest mirror to fix her makeup. "Ugh, she literally wears clothes, that is like so last year!"

Kelly looked up from her book. "Yeah, like the trend these days is to eat. This bitch doesn't even swallow anything other than her boyfriend's cum-"


"Last week, Ashley slept with-"


"She also slept with-"


"And she-"


"Are you going to listen to me?"

"Yeah, go on."

"So, Ashley slept with Brandon, Drew and Cameron-"

"I told you, SHE'S SLUT!"

"They're her husband and two sons. They're poor, so they only have one bed to sleep on so they sleep together."



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