Ch. 26

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Your pov

And with that answer penguin and Shachi blushed deeply

"now stop bugging me for dates" law said as you giggled still hugging the bear

"now if you excuse me, we'll be going now" he says before heading over to his room and gently placing you down on the bed, he then gently took the stuffed bear away and placed it on his desk with his hat.

He now had both his hands on either side of your legs with his face close to yours, he then locks his lips unto yours kissing you eagerly. He then trailed kisses down to your neck gently licking them making you moan softly, his hands started to move up the dress and to your inner thighs, "looks like this'll be long night..." he whispers

Next day...

You were writing formulas on the deck while the rising sun blazes on your skin,

"x of one's, minus, x of two's, equals....... Y of one's minus, y of two's, called..... I forgot" you told yourself while sensing someone deeply watches you from behind, you giggled

"captain, stop watching me" you said now turning around only to see law leaning on the doorway, he shook his head and started walking over, you now turned your attention back to what you were doing.

"what're you doing?" he asked

"just writing some formulas I...... Should never ever forgot" you answered

"x of one's? What's that?" he asked again

"math, and of course science also needs to have formulas" you said while still writing on your black note book which you tend to carry around

"give me an example" he smirked

"hmm..... This one's easy! Power is equals to work divided by time, and work is equals to force multiplied by distance, and distance is equals to mass multiple by um...... I forgot what g means but g is always equals to 9.8 meter square/second square" (every formula used in this story is a real formula in real life, good?) you exclaimed, when you look at law he looks like he is saying 'wtf?!' he clearly didn't know what you just said

"*sigh* power is equals to force times distance divided by time" he seems to get it this time, just a little.

"I...... Didn't know what you just said" he says as you lightly laughed

"it's science combined with math" you said as he nodded

"now you understand?"

"just a little, but whatever you just said, it must be very important" he said with a slight chuckle

"you bet," you said before leaning your back against the railing

"what's wrong?" he asked when he noticed the sudden change of expression

"just...... Figuring out some scientific terms, questions, FORMULAS, etc." you answered still looking down on the notebook

"looks like I'm not the restless around here" he joked as you laughed

"yeah.... I have to, or else dr. Vlaanderene will be disappointed if I just threw away a knowledge like that" you answered

"she must be very, very proud of you" he says while instinctively ruffling your hair

"we'll be arriving at the next island port by 8 or 9 in the morning" you suddenly said as the island has come to view

"how'd you know that?" he asked

"by the speed, wind speed, wind direction, and distance from the island" you said as to holding his big hand to yours giving it a light squeeze or so. He smiled knowing you were smarter than anyone he knew, he pulled you into a tight hug

Cupcake (Trafalgar law x Powerful! Intelligent! Perfect? reader) Where stories live. Discover now