♥ chapter one♥

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Do you ever feel like you're just living for no purpose? Like why do we have a purpose to live when there's nothing or no one to live for? Hi, I'm Millie Bobby Brown and I'm 16 years old.

I feel as if I'm kinda just here in the world. I have no friends, no family that cares about and practically no live whatsoever. So as you can see my life is not so good. Today was just another day of stupid high scho-

"MILLIEEEEEEEE!!!!!" My mom screamed interrupting my thoughts.

"I'm coming!!!!!"  I screamed back.

I then ran down stairs and grabbed a banana and ran out of the house to get on the bus. I got on the bus and sat next to a boy I don't know.

"Hi. I don't think we've met before." The boy said holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Oh hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Millie Brown." I then proceeded to shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you too. Im Finn. Finn Wolfhard."

Oh wow! Finn's very attractive!

~5 minutes later~

We arrived at school and I exited the bus to see a whole bunch of teenagers who in no way wanted to be there.

Finn then came up to me.

"Hi Mills. Do you like the nickname? Its okay if you don't like it."

"Hi Finn. I love the nickname!! What's your first class?"

"History with Mr. Keery. You?"

"Same!!! Would you maybe wanna walk to class together?"

"Yeah sure."

Then we went on going down the hall to Mr. Kerry's room.

"Hi class! Since it's the first day you guys can just chat with your peers. I got to go to Ms. Dyers room to pick up papers for this class."

The class roared with cheers.
"Hiya Mills!!"
"HI FINN!!" I said trying to match Finn's energy.

"There's this party this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to come as a date with me?" Finn asked nervously.

"Um. Well I don't know."

I know I can't. My mom will LITERALLY kill me!!

"Why Mills?"

"I've never really been to a party."

"It could be your first party!! We'd have so much fun!!"

"Ok sure!! I'll go."


I had to sit through 3 more boring classes than it was lunch. I love lunch. The cafeterias food is disgusting so I just packed my own lunch that consisted of a sandwich, a Go Go squeeze and a orange. Finn came up to me and asked to sit with me so now we're just eating and talking.

Then the bell rang and we had to go to 6th period which was performing arts which I was pretty good at. My teacher thinks I'm really good. I don't see it. I just do it for myself because its fun.
"Hi class!"
There were scattered "hi's" and "hey's."
"This year we will be exploring the adventures of preforming arts!"
" I'll assign you partners for our first activity."
"Jack and Alya."
"Maya and Malcom."
" Finn and Millie."
And so on.
I then went to run over to Finn Wolfhard.
" Hi Finnie!"
"Hi Mills."
" Okay. So we need to do some acting practice."
"Ok. Let's do this!!"
We did some acting then it was time to go home from school.
~later at home~
"Millie come here now!!!" My mom screamed.
"I'm coming!"
"Where were you?!"
"At school?"
"You're supposed to do your job!!!!"
"That's after school mom!"
"Don't treat me like that young lady!!"
I then started to run to my bedroom and lock my door.
"Yeah you better run away!"
I hurried and got my stuff and stuffed all of it in a bag then climbed out my windows to run to Finn's house.
I knocked on the door and I heard a loud footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Hi Mills! What are you doing here?"
"Long story short I need to stay here for a couple of days because of my mom."
"Okay.. come upstairs."
We went upstairs and I took off my shoes and sat on his bed.
"Can I tell you something Finn?"
"Yes of course Mills."
"My mom, well she doesn't treat me well and sometimes she'll hurt me. It kinda depends if I run to my room in time. She won't go in my room at all. It's like she's scared of it. I really don't know."
"I'm so sorry Mills."
"It's okay Finn. Don't worry about me."
"I'm going to worry about you. Your my girlf-sorry best friend."
"I know. I just feel like nobody loves me. Why am I even in this world if nobody loves me?"
"I love you."
What am I supposed to say to that? We just met. I mean if he really loves me I guess I love him too.
"I love you too Finnie."
Time skip to 2 weeks forward.

~Finn's POV~
Everything is going very fast with Millie. I said I love you  and honestly didn't think she'd say anything back but she did!! My thoughts got interrupted by my phone ringing. I got a text from Mille.
Mills❤️💞🥰😙: Hi Baby!! How are you?
Finnie🤟💞🥰✨:I'm great Pumpkin!! How are you?
Mills❤️💞🥰😙I'm good. Wanna go get ice cream at the new ice cream shop downtown?
Finnie🤟💞🥰✨: Of course I would.
Mills❤️💞🥰😙: Okie. See you in a bit! Bye!!
Finnie🤟💞🥰✨: Ok. Bye!
I then changed into info a black and white striped shirt and black jeans.
~ 15 minutes later~
My doorbell rang and ran downstairs to get it. I opened the door to see my amazing girlfriend.
"Hi Pumpkin." I said with a huge smirk on my face.
"Hi Baby."
We headed to the car and I opened the door for my lovely girlfriend.
"Such a gentleman. Thank you bubba."
"Of course pumpkin."
We drives to the ice cream shop and Millie ordered Cookies and Cream and I just got Strawberry. As we enjoyed our ice cream we just talked about school and our family's and then we went in the car and he started driving in the wrong direction.
"Finn this isn't the way."
"I know pumpkin."

Hello my name is Jillian and I wrote this awful book! I hope you enjoy it if you actually
read it!! I love you all!! Also this is not proofread. 😁🤍
~1o56 words~

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