chapter two

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I woke up early this morning, because today was the day I was photographing One Direction. I am not one of those crazy fan girls that know their every move, but I can't say I'm not a fan. My favorite has to be Harry, I mean look at him he is perfect. His eyes, his hair, his dimples- wait? I have a boyfriend who I love and he loves me back.

Mine and Zack's relationship is a long story. I guess you could say we were high school sweethearts. We started dating when we were sophomores, but we had been going I school together since 6th grade. We had a good relationship and I trusted him, until the summer before senior year...


I just found out that I got into NYU (New York University) with a full ride scholarship for photography. I was so excited to tell Zack, but over the phone wasn't enough. So, I decided I should go to his house and surprise him. I got in my car and drove to his house. When I pulled into his driveway I noticed a car that wasn't his and I didn't recognize it.

I walked up to the front door and knocked, but no one answered, so I rang the doorbell, but still no answer. I started to get worried that something was wrong, but I pushed all the bad thoughts to the back of my mind. I tried to open the front door and to my surprise it was open.

I walked in and called Zack's name but no one answered. I walked into the living room but didn't see him so I walked towards the stairs. I heard music coming from someone's room so I walked upstairs. I heard the music coming from his room. I knocked on his door but got no answer so I walked in and that's when I saw it. Zack making out with my enemy, Ashley. Me and her never got along. And now she goes stealing my boyfriend? Who does she think she is!

When Zack saw me he pulled away immediately. I didn't feel the tears pouring down my face. I had trusted him. Zack stood up and started to walk over to me, but I backed up.

"DON'T EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN!" I yelled through tears.

"Babe,-" He tried but I cut him off before he could finish. He tried getting closer to me again.

" NO! PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! WE'RE DONE!" I yelled running downstairs to me car.


Obliviously, I forgave him but it took some time. I didn't forgive him until a week before graduation and it still wasn't the same after that. But we have gotten better and he has earned my trust back.

Right now I am on my way to work and I can't contain my excitement. When I pull up to the huge skyscraper I have the biggest smile on my face. Working here has always been a dream of mine and I can't believe I actually work here. It all just seems so strange. I left school early because the magazine saw my pictures and wanted me to start right away. Now here I am the head photographer.

After I hand the valet my keys and head inside. I go to the elevator to get to the top floor where the photo shoot is being held. I'm not sure if the boys are here yet but I can't wait to meet them. When I get off the elevator I accidentally bump into someone and drop my papers.

"Oh, I so sorry." I hear a deep British accent say. I look up and am face to face with sparkling green orbs as can't help but stare. He is so perfect. " Hi I'm Harry." He introduces himself.

"I'm Sam."

Hi lovelies, I hope you like this chapter I'm sorry it's short. But do you trust Zack and is Sam starstruck by Harry!!?!?? what do you guys think about Harry and Nadine? I wish Harry didn't have a girlfriend but if he's happy then I'm happy. and it's not official that they are dating so it okay?!?!?! anyway comment an vote! thanks love you<3


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