Chapter 1: The Arrival.

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My family and I were right outside our beautiful new home. Very large, two-story, and painted white. A large gate for the space of our two cars that were arriving next week. The moving lorry was behind us, the workers began to enter the house with things. Upon entering, I could see a giant living room and I could imagine where things would be. Further on was the very spacious kitchen with a marble bar that separated it from the living room. My house also had a pool that could be viewed behind the glass door on the other side of the living room. I went up to the second floor and entered what would soon be my room. Very spacious, a room only for clothes and a large window that gave a view of the house next to us that had the lights off and finally a bathroom with a shower, a washbasin and a bath.

"Do you like your room, brother?" It was my sister Aline. She and I have been inseparable since we were little. She is seventeen and I am sixteen.

"Honestly, I do, it is very spacious and will fit all my things." I smiled.

"I am glad you like it." She gave me a little hug. "Mum says that please go down to help her with dinner while the moving men bring things into the rooms.

"Okay." I broke away from her embrace and went down to my mum who was preparing things for dinner.

When I went downstairs, a very pleasant smell filled my lungs. Some things like the living room and the dining room were already placed, dad was organising everything with the help of some of the men who came in the moving lorry.

I went into the kitchen, and when my mother saw me, she gave me one of her beautiful smiles. My mother and father were both thirty-five years old and although they were very young ages to have children, they succeed in life together.

"Did you come to help me?" She said, my mother still with a smile on her face. Her hair was brown with fair skin, her eyes were brown, and she had defined features.

"Yes, mum, Aline told me you might need my help." She nodded.

It took us a long time to make dinner, today was a day of celebration, since being in a new city we would practically have a new life.

When we finished, we threw the remains in the trashcan and my mother and I met again in the kitchen. Me doing the dishes and she organising the cupboards and the fridge because the moving men had put everything in disorder so mum organised everything as it was easier for her to find everything.

"Finished." I announced drying my hands with a towel.

"Please, go throw the garbage."

"Okay, mum."

I grabbed the garbage bag and went out to the backyard through the back door, when I was in the backyard, I could see a white five-pointed star made by triangles right on the wooden fence that separated the house from the other. It was certainly a strange decoration. I turned around to the street where the garbage containers were located and there, I threw it. I decided to go for a walk in the streets. It was a good idea for not to get lost, besides, it wouldn't take long. The night was cool and silent, some houses were with the lights completely off.

On the way back, the streets were still silent and the sound of my shoes sounded on the pavement. In the distance I could see three boys who were coming on the same pavement as me. As they passed by, the boys stopped and looked at me, glancing at each other, knowing glances as if they were talking to each other without saying a single word. I stopped too and looked at them. The boy on the left was dark, with black hair combed up. The one in the middle ... there was something about that boy that made me feel weird. His hair was almost golden blond, his white skin was also almost golden and his eyes were honey-coloured, he was very handsome and I could see his marked muscles in his jacket and his pecs in his white shirt. And the boy on the right was white, with black hair and cobalt blue eyes.

"What's the matter? I told them as if I were uncomfortable with them looking at me, and I was.

"Nothing, we thought you were lost and we wanted to help." Said the boy in the middle.

"I'm fine. I went out for a walk precisely to know the place and not get lost."

"Ohh. I see..."

"We haven't seen you around here, I guess you're new." Said the brunette.

"Well, he's obviously new, you idiot," the blue-eyed man replied. "My name is Kyle. Kyle Moon".

"I'm Connor, Connor Martinez." Said the brunette.

"And last but not least, me, Paul Stone. Pleased to meet you."

Something, there was something about that boy Paul, in the way he spoke and the way he looked at me that made me feel strange, he was very handsome, but his skin was somewhat pale, I had a feeling that if I touched him, his skin would be cold, soft but hard at the same time.

"I am Adam Sugalite." I smiled to try to be nice.

"You're not from around here, are you?" Kyle asked. "You sound pretty European."

"Yes, I have moved with my family from Coventry in the UK." I answered looking into his eyes. "I think I should go back; it's getting late and my mother might be worried."

"Bye, Sugalite." Kyle said. "Have a good night." He gave me a beautiful smile to which I responded.

Connor and Kyle continued walking, but Paul stood still at his post, his honey eyes fixed on mine.

"Your friends are already far away; you better catch up with them."

"I hope we'll see each other soon another time. I don't understand how you haven't recognised me yet."

He smiled at me and ran to his friends; would he have seen me somewhere? Possibly. Although it is very weird, since I was not from this place. Maybe he will have followed me on Instagram.

I went home straight to my room, put on a pair of shorts, brushed my teeth, and got into bed, which was really just a mattress and a blanket. Tomorrow would be a tough day; I would have to go with my sister to do some shopping and I would also have to organise my room and my things. I sighed and closed my eyes, after a moment I fell asleep thinking about the blond boy from a moment ago. I don't know exactly what it is that makes me feel attracted to him, I felt a very strong tingle, similar to the one I felt the day before I left Coventry, when I looked at the moon.

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