The Storm

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The small brown rowing boat bobbed peacefully over the glistening water which rippled as it was struck by the oars, powered by a young girl whose long hair was glowing golden in the sun's soft rays. She hummed a melodious tune to herself, keeping in time with the gentle strokes of the oars. A mischievous grin formed on her face as she brought the oar out of the water and dribbled it over an older looking girl who swiftly sat up and yelled "Hey! I'm all wet now, Alicia!"

Alicia's blueish green eyes glittered with joy as she laughed at her sister. "You should've seen your face!" she managed to wheeze out through her fit of laughter.

"Oh yeah?" The other girl retaliated. "Then take that!" She said as she thrust a handful of water at Alicia.

"Willow! That went in my mouth!" She coughed and spluttered.

The two girls both started laughing. Alicia's white shirt that she had been using as a cardigan was now transparent at the arms, causing her soft, pale skin to show though. Her top was a crop top with a mix of pastel pinks, blues and purples and she was wearing white denim shorts. Willow lay down on to her back again. "You know," she said, "I'm three years older than you. That means I can get you three times as bad as you can get me."

Alicia scoffed. "Oh yeah, as if that works!" But she got back to work with the oars and they went surging through the water again.

"You're not going to get all grown up on me are you, when you turn eighteen and all?"

"You know I could never grow up with you around little sis'; this is too fun! Besides, that's months away."

"Don't enjoy yourself too much, Willow. You're rowing in five minutes!" Alicia chuckled.

Willow groaned. Rowing got you pretty painful muscles in no time at all. Plus, she was pretty hot; today was not a good day to be wearing long blue jeans and a long, tucked in top. Willow loved this top though. It was grey with a white floral skull imprint that matched perfectly with her grey, bronze buttoned denim jacket. At least her hair was cut into a bob; that meant that her neck and back wouldn't get so hot and sweaty.

Willow laughed when she saw Alicia eyeing up the hamper basket that was placed between them. "Getting a bit peckish, are we?" She teased. Alicia pulled a funny face at her and announced, "Right! You're up." The oars were passed to Willow and she turned the boat around so that she was facing the shore. After a few laughs and jokes they sat in silence for a bit. This got Alicia thinking about the diver who had gone missing a few weeks ago. Apparently, the storm had come out of nowhere and the man hadn't had enough time to swim back to shore. That was weeks ago. Alicia told herself. Nothing had happened since. It was just a freak accident and it wasn't going to happen again. She felt a cold shiver run up her spine and she shook it off. Just a freak accident, she reminded herself. Willow broke her thought process by saying "Shall we stop here for a bit?" and Alicia gratefully nodded.

"Pass me the oars," Alicia said, "I'll turn us around in a bit and start the row back." She heaved the oars onto her lap and took a long, deep breath of the salty sea air.

"Hey," Willow said softly as she reached over and placed a comforting hand on Alicia's leg, "We'll be okay. Nothing is going to happen."

Alicia smiled and placed a hand on top of her sister's. She loved Willow so much. It was as if she always knew what was wrong and always knew just what to say or do.

Suddenly, the air transitioned itself into an icy temperature. Alicia hugged her arms tightly around herself; her bare legs were now covered in goose bumps. Willow pulled her denim jacket tighter and looked up at the now grey sky. She felt the water lapping at the sides of the boat and then she stared straight ahead, unable to take in what she was seeing – or not seeing.

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